本书简介:在黑莓星失去一条性命的时候,一个邪恶的猫霸占了他的身体,不断地伤害着他们。然而另一边,河族再次遇上了食物短缺。冰面被冻住了,使捕猎比登天还难。月崽对草药有着浓厚的兴趣,天生就是当巫医的料。在她满六个月时,柳光便收她做了她的巫医学徒。不久,星族就告诉她:“ 即使是在最漆黑的夜晚,也会有光亮。”月爪该如何帮助她的族群渡过难关呢?
(英文版)Summary: When brumblestar had lost a life, an evil sprite took control of him. Harming and separating them. At the same time, Riverclan had been suffering for hunger again! The frozen lake had made hunting harder and harder for the starving cats. Moonkit, a talented kit who loved herbs, its as if she was destiny to be a medicine cat. So when she was six-moons old, Willowshine took her as her medicine cat apprentices. Soon, Moonpaw had received a prophecy from Starclan the said: " Even in the darkest night, there will still be light." How did Moonpaw helped her clanmates get though this difficult time?