话本小说网 > 二次元小说 > 穿越猫武士:月夜如霜
本书标签: 二次元  中英版  照猫武士的改编     

第四章(Charpter 4)







月爪(作者)还有就是,这个账号是用我妈的手机号注册的,所以, 她不让我更,我就更不了。



月爪(作者)好啦,不浪费时间啦!let's get started!





”是啊,那六个月,就像一年一样漫长!“ 月崽赞同道

“ 但们你熬过去了,你们准备好了。”他们身后响起一道熟悉的声音。

“ 灰掌,银天!”

“ 我为你们骄傲。”银天分别舔了他们两下。“准备好,你们的学徒之旅即将开始!" 她看向雾星,雾星点了点头。



“ 河族同胞们,我们的族群,又有两名幼崽可以开始他们的学徒生涯了”她看向云崽和月崽又道:云崽,到前面来。”


”云崽,你已六个月大了,是时候开始你的学徒生涯了。从此刻起,直到你获得武士名号,你将是云爪,你的导师是猫头鹰鼻。 “


“ 月崽,到前面来。”

“ 月崽选择了另一条道路,他将会训练成一名巫医" 她摇了摇尾巴示意柳光上来。








英文版(English version)

In the early morning, the blue sky began to light up with the struggling sun. Moonkit opened her eyes and stretched drowsily. She shook the moss off of her pelt and walked out of the nursery.

Outside the nursery, the morning patrol had already gone. Cloudkit was chasing a fallen leaf playful outside. when he saw his sister. He ran over.

"Hi, Moonkit." Cloudkit meowed. I can't believe we're going to be apprentices! "

"Yes, those six Moons are as long as a new-leaf" Moonkit agreed

"But you got through it, you're ready." A familiar voice sounded behind them.

"Greyclaw, SilverSky!"

"I'm proud of both of you." Silversky licked them twice respectively. "Get ready, your apprentice journey is about to begin!" She looked at Mistystar, who nodded.

Mistystar jumped onto the high rock and yowled , "All that can hunt on their own, please come to the high rock."

Slowly, the cats walked into the clearing from all directions.

"Warriors of RiverClan, our clan has two more kits who can start their apprentice journey ." She looked down at Cloudkit and Cloudkit and said: "Cloudkit , come to the front." "

Cloudkit crawled towards the high rock, raising his head, and his gaze burned into MistyStar's.

"Cloudkit, you are six months old, and it is time to begin your apprentice journey. From now on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Cloudpaw, and your mentor will be Owlnose."

Cloudpaw wagged his tail respectfully and touched noses with his mentor.

"Moonkit, come forward."

"Moonkit has chosen another path. she will be trained to be a Medicine cat." She wagged her tail and for Willowshine to come up.

"Moonkit , are you willing to obey the medicine cat code, train hard, and become the next medicine cat of River Clan?"

"I do!"

"Then, in the next month half-moon will bring you to StarClan, and you will be known as Moonpaw."

"May StarClan guide your apprentice's paws!" Mistystar wished.

Suddenly, the screams of Mosspelt, the RiverClan elder, alerted the warriors.


上一章 第三章(Chapter3) 穿越猫武士:月夜如霜最新章节 下一章 第五章(Chapter 5)