话本小说网 > 二次元小说 > 穿越猫武士:月夜如霜
本书标签: 二次元  中英版  照猫武士的改编     

第一章(Chapter one)


月爪(作者)我知道可能怪怪的,但介绍在叶罗丽:若时空轮回里面,请小可爱们先去看一下,别问我为什么!!! (抱头溜走)


昏暗的育婴室里,传来一阵阵呻吟:”喵~“ 一只银色的母猫趴在窝里,几乎连呻吟的力气都没有了。

在她旁边,卧着两只猫,一公一母。那只公猫看她痛苦不已,焦急不安。那只母猫用尾巴扫过他的身子,安抚道:“ 放心吧,灰掌,她很强壮,会好的。 去给她那点水,总比站在这着急强,傻毛球! ”



巫医接过青苔,把她放到母猫的嘴边,鼓励道 “ 喝一点吧, 银天,你要坚强起来。”

银天挣扎着抬起头,舔了一点。 随着一阵剧痛,在尖叫声中她生下了一只幼崽。

灰掌惊喜若狂的惊叫道 ” 是一只灰色的幼崽!“ 他赶忙将其轻轻叼起,开始舔他的身体,来刺激他呼吸。



“ 银色的,就像你一样,银天。”

”她会好吗?“ 灰掌紧张的问。


“ 谢谢你柳光,你是有史以来最好的巫医 ” 他尊敬的低下头去。

“ 祝贺你,灰掌。”

“你准备给它们取什么名字呢? ”


这只母的,就叫....... 月崽。“ 银天一定会同意的,灰掌轻轻地说。


In the dark nursery, came a painful moaning. " Mew!" a silver she-cat crouched inside the bedding, she even almost lost the energy to moan.

Beside her were a tom and a she-cat. The tom was very worried, the she-cat swash her tail across his back calming him down." Don't worry Grayclaw, she is strong and fit, she will overcome it. Go get her some water, it's better than just standing here and worrying. Stupid fur-ball!"

Grayclaw nodded, hurrying to fetch some socked moss.

The medicine cat placed the socked moss under the she-cat's cheek, "Dink it,silversky it will make you feel better, you have to be strong. She urged

Silversky struggled to lift up her head and stretched out a tongue to drink some. "

With a sudden flash of pain, Silversky yowled. At the same time, a Gray kit came out.

" Oh a gray one" Grayclaw cried. he bent over to lick and stimulate it to breath.

" There is another one "

With that saying, another one came out.

" Oh a silver one just like you, Siversky." He mewed lovingly.

" But will Siversky be alright?" Grayclaw asked nervously.

" Of course, she will "

" I will name the Gray one Cloudkit and the silver one....Moonkit. he mewed gazing at the sky. ”Siversky will love it, for sure." He mewed softly.



月爪(作者)拜拜, see you in the next chapter! (注释:下章见)

上一章 引子(prologue) 穿越猫武士:月夜如霜最新章节 下一章 第二章(Chapter2)