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集体经济collective economy 经济特区special economic zone

计划经济planned economy 人均国民收入national income per capita

自由经济liberal economy 第一产业/农业primary industry;agriculture

商品经济commodity economy 第二产业/工业secondary industry;manufacturing

经济体制改革reform of the economic system 第三产业/服务业tertiary industry;service

农业farming 林业forestry 生产力/生产率productivity

市场占有率market share

经济增长放缓economic slowdown

畜牧业animal husbandry副业sideline production 国有企业state owned enterprise(SOE)


私营企业private business 经济增长率economic growth rate 合资企业joint venture

财政政策fiscal policy

经济结构调整adjustment of economic structure

中小企业small and medium sized enterprise优化经济结构 to optimize the economic structure 小微企业small and micro-sized firm 改

善经济环境to improve economic environment 民间资本private capital

民间投资private investment

技术是第一生产力science and technology are the primary productive forces 泡沫经济bubble economy

国有资产state-owned property 经济过热overheating of economy

开放国内市场to open domestic market 实体经济the real economy

缩小贫富差距 to narrow the gap between the Rich and Poor 外汇储备充足sufficient foreign exchange reserve 国内/国际贸易domestic/intenational trade

消除贫困to eliminate poverty 对外贸易foreign trade

共同富裕common prosperity 贸易条件terms of trade

经济形势economic situation 不公平竞争unfair competition

经济波动economic fluctuation 海关customs

经济衰退economic depression;recession 关税customs duty

经济稳定economicst ability 水货/走私货 smuggled goods

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