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经济政策economic policy

产品质量product quality高度评价to speak highly of…

经济复原economic recovery经济奇迹economic miracle

物美价廉competitive price and superior quality销量/销售额sales

经济起飞economic take off 全球经济global economy 存货/库存量stocks

金融组织financial institution

经济学家economist企业家entrepreneur 商业信誉commercial reputation

经济全球化economic globalization 管理机制management mechanism 改

市场经济market economy 善服务to improve services

市场调节market regulation 延长保修期to extend maintenance

市场多元化market diversification 制造商/制造厂manufacturer

推动经贸合作 to boost economic and trade cooperation 原材料raw material

operation 样品sample

商界business communities 大规模生产mass production

互惠互利mutual benefit 年产量annual output

总需求aggregate/total demand 劳动力密集型产业labour intensive industry

总供给aggregate supply 知识密集型产业knowledge intensive industry

扩大内需to expand domestic demand 工作歧视discrimination in work place

团购group buying 高消耗high consumption

财政预算financial budget 高投入high investment

耐用消费品durable consumer goods 沿袭……模式to continue with the model of…

年末促销year end promotion 住房抵押贷款residential mortgage loan

利率interest rate

找工作to hunt for a job;job hunting 生活标准/生活水平living standard 购买力purchasing power; buying power

职位position post; job vacancy/opening 短缺shortage

不发达的under developed 发展中的developing

填写申请表to fill in/out application form

接任职位to take over the position 四大国有银行the four major state owned banks

作面试job interview

支票cheque/check职业前景job/career prospects 转帐/过户to transfer

存钱 to deposit money

就业机会job opportunity工资待遇pay offer 取钱to withdraw money


货币money;currency带薪假paid vacation 发行issue

伤残保险disability insurance 现金cash

失业保险unemployment insurance 零钱change

培训咨询training consultancy 钞票/纸币banknote;note;bill

专业技能professional expertise 汇率/兑换率exchange rate

脑力劳动mental work 利息interest

体力劳动labour/physical work 保险insurance


手工劳动manual labour/work 工作时间working time

税制taxation system 加班to work over time; overtime 征税/纳税taxation

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