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京剧Peking Opera 工匠/手工艺人craftsman

京剧脸谱 the facial makeup of Beijing Opera 剪纸Chinese paper cutting

Peking Opera Mask 刺绣embroidery

正面角色positive role 丝绸silk

说学逗唱 speaking imitating.teasing and singing纺织品textile

瓷器porcelain; chinaware

传统乐器traditional instrument

陶器 pottery; earthenware青铜器bronze ware

木偶戏puppet show皮影戏shadow play 中国结Chinese knot


泥塑clay figure modeling中国玉器Chinese jade

相声cross talk说书story telling 雕刻carving

民间工艺folk craft

中国菜/中餐Chinese cuisine;Chinese food

烩/焖/炖to stew蒸to steam

八大菜系Eight Cuisines粤菜Canton cuisine 煮to boil

国宴state banquet 烘焙to bake

特色香味outlook.flavor and taste 烤to roast

香脆可口crispy and tasty 切条to cut to strips

营养丰富 nutritious

烹饪技巧cooking technique煎to fry

炒to stir 炸to deep fry

切丁to dice切碎to mince磨碎to grind

饮食习惯dietary habit

特色食品special food;specialty

蛋炒饭fried rice with egg

年糕rice cake 火锅hotpot

油条deep fried dough sticks 原材ingredient

豆浆soybean milk

调料 seasoning; dressing馒头steamed bun 猪/牛肉丸pork/beef ball

包子steamed stuffed bun 鸭肉duck

拉面hand stretched noodles蘑菇mushroom

豆腐tofu:bean curd

北京烤鸭Beijing Roast Duck麻花fried dough twist 素菜馆 vegetarian restaurant

皮蛋 …year egg;century egg 白酒Chinese liquor

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