-没有命中注定的结局,只有不够努力的过程。There is no predestined ending, only the process of not working hard enough.
-真正的坚强,就是在所有人都以为你崩溃的时候,你还可以振作起来。True strength is that you can cheer up when everyone thinks you are broken.
-与时光忤逆的少年永远是那幅最美的模样。The youth who disobeys time is always the most beautiful picture.
-别人恭维你时,偷偷高兴一下就可以了,但不可当真,因为那十有八九是哄你的,别人批评你时,稍稍不开心一下就可以了,但不可生气,因为那十有八九是真的。When someone compliments you, just be happy secretly, but don't take it seriously, because nine times out of ten it's to coax you. When someone criticizes you, just be a little unhappy, but don't get angry, because nine times out of ten it's true.
-心情可以交给鸡汤安慰,但是幸运一定要交给努力保管。The mood can be comforted by chicken soup, but luck must be kept by efforts.
-不努力的男人只有两种结果,抽不完的低档烟和干不完的体力活,不努力的女人只有两种结果,穿不完的地摊货和逛不完的菜市场。Men who don't work hard have only two kinds of results, smoking endless low-grade cigarettes and doing endless physical work. Women who don't work hard have only two kinds of results, wearing endless stalls and shopping endless vegetable markets.
-对自己狠一点,逼自己努力,不出几年你将会感谢今天发狠的自己。Be hard on yourself, force yourself to work hard, and in a few years you will thank yourself for being hard today.
-人生短短几十年,就算不能轰轰烈烈,也不能窝窝囊囊。Life is only a few decades, even if it can not be vigorous, it can not be a wimp.