-你现在的态度决定你十年后是人物还是废物。Your attitude now determines whether you will be a person or a waste in ten years.
-别人都是装作颓废,而你是真的颓废。Others are pretending to be decadent, but you are really decadent.
-我们总爱说,来日方长,但大多数时候是并没有来日的,所以别等,一念既起,就拼尽心力去完成。We always like to say that the future is long, but most of the time there is no future, so don't wait, just try your best to finish it.
-人缘,不是有多少人认识你,而是有多少人愿意帮助你,人脉,不是你利用过多少人,而是你帮助过多少人,人气,不是有多少人在你面前吹捧你,而是有多少人在你背后称赞你。Popularity is not how many people know you, but how many people are willing to help you. Networking is not how many people you have used, but how much people you have helped. Popularity is not the number of people who flatter you in front of you, but the number of people who praise you behind your back.
-人在年轻时,最头疼的一件事就是决定自己这一生要做什么。When people are young, one of the most difficult things is to decide what they want to do in their life.
-每天醒来都有两个选择,继续做梦或起身逐梦。Every day when I wake up, I have two choices, to continue dreaming or to get up and pursue dreams.
-生得再平凡,也是限量版。No matter how ordinary it is, it is also a limited edition.
-努力不会让你最好,但会让你更好。Working hard won't make you the best, but it will make you better.
-一个人最大的魅力:骨子里有坚强,言行中有教养,交往中有包容,心底里有善良。A person's greatest charm: strong in his bones, educated in his words and deeds, tolerant in his contacts, and kind in his heart.