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-人生的某些障碍,你是逃不掉的,与其费尽周折绕过去,不如勇敢地攀越,或许这会铸就你人生的高点。There are some obstacles in life that you can't escape. It's better to climb bravely than to go around them. Maybe it will make your life high.

-真正的坚韧,应该是哭的时候要彻底,笑的时候要开怀,说的时候要淋漓尽致,做的时候要毫不犹豫。True tenacity should be thorough when crying, happy when laughing, incisive when speaking and unhesitating when doing.

-人生中很多时候你只有切断自己的退路,才能找到自己人生中最好的出路,很多时候你的退路一直在阻碍着你的出路。Many times in life, you have to cut off your own way out, in order to find the best way out of your life, many times your way out has been blocking your way out.

-人生最大的改变就是去做自己害怕的事情。The biggest change in life is to do what you are afraid of.

-不能拼爹的时候,你就只能去拼命。When you can't fight for your father, you can only go all out.

-别活的跟支烟似的,让人无聊时点起你,抽完了又弹飞你,记住,你要活得和毒品一样,要么不能弃,要么惹不起。Don't live like a cigarette. When people are bored, they light you up. After smoking, they bounce you off. Remember, you have to live like a drug. You either can't give it up or you can't afford it.

-能用钱解决的问题都不是问题,但如何有钱才是你最大的问题。Problems that can be solved with money are not problems, but how to have money is your biggest problem.

-永远都不要为了目的而忘了初衷。就像给风命名时,不是它要去的方向,而是它来时的方向。Never forget the original intention for the sake of the purpose. It's like naming the wind, not the direction it's going, but the direction it's coming.

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