-在为了摘到最亮的星星的努力着,也为当下的每一份美好心情。In order to pick the brightest star in the efforts, but also for every good mood at the moment.
-我依然觉得自己没有彻底长大,还是那个碰到挫折就想逃的人。I still feel that I have not grown up completely, and I am still the one who wants to run away when I encounter setbacks.
-当你觉得孤独无助时,想一想还有十几亿细胞只为了你一个人而活。When you feel lonely and helpless, think about the billions of cells that live only for you.
-酒入豪肠,七分酿成月光,剩余三分啸成剑气,袖口一吐,便是半个盛唐。Wine into the intestines, seven points into the moonlight, the remaining three points into a sword gas cuff spit, is half of the Tang Dynasty.
-秋天也很好,桂花会开,空气会香甜,我们会变好,一切充满希望,温柔又热烈。Autumn is also very good, sweet-scented osmanthus will open, the air will be sweet, we will be better, everything is full of hope, gentle and warm.
-在广袤的空间和无限的时间中,能与你共享同一颗行星和同一段时光是我的荣幸。It is my honor to share the same planet and the same time with you in the vast space and infinite time.
-昨天再好,也走不回去,明天再难,也要抬脚继续。No matter how good it was yesterday, you can't go back. No matter how hard it is tomorrow, you have to continue.
-别人对你好,你要争气,图日后有能力有所报答,别人对你不好,你更要争气,望有朝一日扬眉吐气。If others are good to you, you should strive for success in order to have the ability to repay them in the future. If others are not good to you, you should strive for success and hope to be proud and elated one day.
-以你的努力程度,还轮不到拼天赋。With your level of effort, it's not your turn to fight for talent.