话本小说网 > 都市小说 > 都市扛把子
本书标签: 都市  男主无敌  系统流     



(网吧里)(in the internet cafe)

向阳(这么早叫我来干嘛)Why did you call me here so early

凌枫(干屁啊,早上赚了20万,出来玩玩了)(Fuck, I earned 200,000 in the morning and went out to play)

向阳(呦呵?大早上抢银行去了?)(yo-ho? Robbed the bank in the morning? )

凌枫伞兵,枪个锤子银行啊)Paratroopers, guns, hammers, banks)

向阳呵呵,还别不行早上真有人把银行抢了,好几亿呢Oh, don't. Someone robbed the bank in the morning, hundreds of millions

凌枫(管你屁事,又不是你家的银行)It's none of your business, it's not your bank.

向阳确实, 不过离我家的银行挺近的Yes, but it's quite close to my bank

凌枫(靠!不过应该有人回去检查的……说不定又是那什么大鹏鸟)(Shit! But someone should go back to check ... Maybe it is the Dapeng bird)

向阳((凌枫……你咋知道大鹏鸟的?那不是……)((LingFeng ... How do you know Dapeng bird? That's not ...)

凌枫(我说是巧合你信吗)I said it was a coincidence. Do you believe it?

向阳(哪有那么巧……)(What a coincidence ...)

凌枫(看样子你也知道咯?)(Well, it seems that you also know? )

向阳(嗯,算是吧,我哥是龙组的人,不过跟大胖鸟没什么关系)(Well, sort of, my brother is from the Dragon Group, but it has nothing to do with the big fat bird)

凌枫(上次地下黑拳的4个人就是大鹏鸟……)(The last four people in the underground black boxing were Dapeng birds ...)

龙魂(老大怎么又有新任务了……血手宗还没落幕呢)(why does the boss have a new task again ... the bloody hand clan hasn't ended yet)

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