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本书标签: 都市  男主无敌  系统流     



凌枫(你确定你行?,行吧我身上就5万快钱,输光了也无所谓)Are you sure you can do it? Ok, I have 50 thousand quick money on me, it doesn't matter if I lose it all)

(2人来到赌石市场,竟然碰见了一个老熟人啊)(Two people came to the gambling stone market and actually met an old acquaintance.)

眧狩(这快不错,2万基本可以开出了20万)(This is almost good, 20,000 can basically pay 200,000)

凌枫(买!现场开 现场卖。)(Buy! Open and sell on site. )

青云宗宗主(哟哟哟这不是凌风嘛,几天不见还玩起赌石来了?小心破产哟)(yo yo yo, this is not Feng Ling. I haven't seen you for a few days, and I'm playing the bet stone. Be careful of bankruptcy)

凌枫(靠,真晦气)(Damn, it's really unlucky)

(凌枫把赌石买完切开里面的翡翠还不错真的和眧狩说的一样20万!稳赚不赔)(Ling Feng bought the bet stone and cut it open. The jadeite inside is not bad. It's really the same as what Sui inaugural said. 200,000! Make a steady profit)

青云宗宗主(这……呵呵……)(this ... hehe ...)

凌枫(晦气……眧狩找个地方打他一顿)(unlucky ... find a place to beat him up)

眧狩(好嘞,跟我走吧,嘿嘿嘿)(OK, come with me, gnome male-"

青云宗宗主(你想干什么,凌枫这tm是法治社会!法治社会!)(What do you want, Lingfeng? This tm is a society ruled by law! Society ruled by law! )

凌枫(烦人的虫子……眧狩走了,我也看不出来什么有料……向阳滚出来上网)(annoying bugs ... I can't see anything expected ... roll out to surf the internet in the sun.)

向阳(大早上的……马上到)(Early morning ... will arrive soon)

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