话本小说网 > 都市小说 > 都市扛把子
本书标签: 都市  男主无敌  系统流     



龙鹏(听好了,这次任务又是血手宗……康恒医院他们很快就会行动,现在立刻马上给我出发!)(Listen up, this mission is a bloody case ... Kangheng Hospital, they will act soon, now start for me immediately! )

凌枫(走了……去医院看我妈去了,这里网吧泡着也没意思)(I left ... I went to the hospital to see my mother. It's boring to soak in the Internet cafe here.)

向阳(走,我跟你一起去,)(come on, I'll go with you.)


(康恒医院门口,3对人都来到了这个医院)(At the entrance of Kangheng Hospital, 3 pairs of people came to this hospital)

许褚记住任务,搞完就走,白风和黑断已经死无全尸了……Remember the task, go after it, Whitestorm and Hei Duan are dead and broke …

诸葛亮(知道……他们两个就是血手宗最大的败笔)(Know that ... the two of them are the biggest failures of Bloodhand Sect)

龙鹏(进去之后分头行动,通知警察,有异常后疏散人群)(After entering, split up, notify the police, and evacuate the crowd after an abnormality)

凌枫(呦呵,医院挺热闹啊,血手宗,大鹏鸟……)(yo-ho, the hospital is quite lively, blood-handed, Dapeng bird ...)

向阳(干什么呢杵在医院门口想伞兵知道不,)(What are you doing? You want to think about paratroopers at the hospital gate, know?)

凌枫(走吧,今天有好戏看了)(Let's go, there will be a good show today.)

向阳(怎么了一天天的,发癫是不是)(What's the matter, day by day, are you insane?)

凌枫(今天医院可热闹了……)(今天医院可热闹了……)(The hospital is very busy today ...)

(2人来到病房,手术已经做完了)(Two people came to the ward and the operation has been finished)

凌枫怎么样了,身体好点了吧How's it going? Are you feeling better

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