Vinson(文森)That class was so boring(刚刚那节课真是太无聊了)
Vinson(文森)By the way, Mia, what did you just do in Centopia?(对了,米雅,你刚刚在精灵王国做了什么?)
Mia(米雅真人)My friends and I found some black moss, and then we went to identify the elf mage.(我和我的朋友找到了一些黑色的苔藓,然后我们去给精灵法师做了鉴定)
Paula(宝拉)That's interesting(那真有趣)
Vinson(文森)I wish I could go to Centopia like you.So you don't have to take those boring classes(真希望我也能像你一样到精灵王国去.这样就不用上那些无聊的课了)
Paula(宝拉)Oh,Vinson, that's impossible.(哦,文森,那是不可能的)
Mia(米雅真人)Of course he knows it's impossible because we've tried(他当然知道这不可能,因为我们已经试过了)
Suddenly, Mia's bracelet glowed(突然,米雅的手环发光了)
Mia(米雅真人)Uh oh,Centopia is calling. l have to go.(哦哦,精灵王国在召唤我,我要走了)
Vinson(文森)Take care.(保重)
Mia(米雅真人)Ok,I will.(好的,我会的)
Then,Mia take out the magic book. She looked at it then she pressed the bracelet.(然后,米雅拿出魔法书,看了一会儿后她按了一下手镯)
As soon as the words were over, Mia went to Centopia.(话音刚落,米雅就去了精灵王国)
Mia had just been transported to Centopia when she was blown up by a gust of winy and heavily to the ground.(米雅刚被传送带送到精灵王国,就被一阵风吹了起来,重重地摔在了地上)
Yuko(小优)Hi,Mia.Are you alright?(你好,米雅。你还好吗?)
At this time, Yuko ran over and helped her up.(这时,小优跑了过来,并把她扶了起来)
Mia(米雅)Thank you,Yuko.Where is Mo?(谢谢你,小优。阿莫去哪了?)
Mo(阿莫)Hello,Mia!I'm here!(你好,米雅!我在这里!)
Yuko(小优)What's the orcle this time?(这次的密语是什么?)
Mia(米雅)There's only one word—— lost.(只有一个词——丢失)
Mo(阿莫)It's so strange. This is the second time that this has happened(真奇怪,这已经是第二次出现这种情况了)
Yuko(小优)And the last time this happened, Lisa was taken(而且上次出现这种情况的时候,莉莎被抓走了)
Mo(阿莫)By the way, Mia,shows you something(对了,米雅,给你看个东西)
Mia(米雅)What's that?(什么东西?)
Yuko(小优)You'll know when you get to the castle(到城堡你就知道了)
So Mia led by Yuko and Mo enters the Elf Castle(于是,米雅在小优和阿莫的带领下进入了精灵城堡)
RenaulHi,Mia.Nice to see you(你好,米雅。很高兴见到你。)
Mo(阿莫)Father,I am going to show Mia a book.(爸爸,我要给米雅看一本书)
RenaulAll right,but be careful not to mess up the study or damage the books.(好的,但是注意不要把书房弄乱,也不要把书弄坏)
Mo(阿莫)Thank you,dad.(谢谢你,爸爸)
Mia(米雅)Wow, so many books!(哇哦,好多书啊!)
Yuko(小优)After we defeated the Dark Lord,the King built this study.(在我们打败黑暗魔王以后,国王就修了这一个书房)
Mo(阿莫)Look,Mia! This is the book!(看,米雅!就是这本书!)
Mia(米雅)What you don't know about other people.(你所不知道的异族人冷知识)
Mia read the words on the cover.(米雅念出了封面上的字)
Yuko(小优)Look at the page where we have bookmarks(看我们有夹书签的那一页)
Mia flipped over to the beautiful bookmark and the number of pages he's on(米雅顺手一翻,翻到了一个漂亮的书签和它所在的页数)
Mia(米雅)Introduction to the Snake Clan.(蛇族简介)
Mia(米雅)The snake race is a mysterious race.It is not simply a group of snakes gathered together,but a group of mutated snakes formed a population billions of years ago.Among these varieties of snakes,there is a more specific variety:the upper part of body is human,and the lower part is snake.Such a creature will be elected as the head of the clan by other variant snakes,and its toxicity is stronger than that of other snakes.(蛇族是一个神秘的种族,它不是简单的一群蛇聚在一起,而是一群变种的蛇在亿万年前组成的种群。这些变种的蛇之中会产生一个更特殊的变种:上半身是人,下半身是蛇。而这样的生物会被其他的变种蛇推举为族长,毒性也比其他的蛇要强。)
Mia(米雅)Normally,they don't attack other species.But if another race invades them,they will do what they can to defend their own race.If they can't resist, they have to go somewhere else to survive.(通常情况下,它们不会主动攻击别的种族。但是如果有其他种族侵略它们,它们就会尽其所能的抵抗保护自己的种族。如果它们抵抗不过,就只能到别的地方生存。)
Mo(阿莫)That's the problem. We don't know what they went to the island for.(问题就在这里,我们不知道它们上岛的目的是什么)
Yuko(小优)So we can't negotiate with them for reasons(所以我们就不能根据原因跟它们谈判)
万能龙套(An elf一位精灵) Prince Mo, Simo is looking for you.(阿莫王子,西蒙找你)
Mo(阿莫)OK, we'll be right here.(好的,我们马上就来)
Mia(米雅)Take this book with you and talk to Simo later.(带上这本书吧,等会也好跟西蒙说)
Yuko(小优)Good idea,Mia!(好主意,米雅!)
Simo(西蒙)Someone just told me that you are reading a book,What is it about?(刚刚有人告诉我你们在看一本书,是关于什么的?)
Mo(阿莫)It's about...(是关于……)
Before ah Mo's words were finished, there were several Unicorn poems not far away.(阿莫的话还没有说完,不远处就传来了几声独角兽的嘶鸣)
OnchaoMia!Nice to see you!(米雅!很高兴看到你!)
Kyara(小粉)Mia!I have...(米雅!我有……)
Before Kyara had fished speaking,Mia greeted them in surprise.(小粉的话还没有说完,米雅就惊喜地跟它们打了个招呼)
Mia(米雅)Hi,Onchao!Hi,Kyara!Nice to see you,too!(你好,小金角!你好,小粉!我也很高兴见到你们!)
Kyara(小粉)Mia,just now...(米雅,刚才……)
Kyara looks a little aggrieved,it is trying to tell Mia,but was interrupted by Simo's word.(小粉看起来有些委屈,它正想向米雅诉说,却被西蒙的话打断了)
Simo(西蒙)Maybe we can talk to them now.The best way is to negotiate without knowing the strength of the other party(也许我们现在可以直接去找它们谈判。在不知道对方实力之前谈判是最好的办法)(在刚刚米雅跟两只独角兽打招呼时,阿莫已经和西蒙讲清了书里的内容)
Yuko(小优)So how do we find them?(那我们要怎么找到他们呢?)
Mia(米雅)I think we can...(我想我们可以……)
Kyara looks like she's going to cry. But Mia never noticed it(小粉看起来快要哭了。但米雅却一直没有察觉到)
Mia(米雅)Kyara, don't disturb us. We're talking about something important right now... I think we can find them according to the black moss they pass by.(小粉,不要打扰我们。我们在讨论一些重要的事情……我想我们可以根据它们经过的黑色苔藓找到它们)
Mo(阿莫)That's great!Mia!(太棒了!米雅!)
Yuko(小优)Wait a minute. I think we should wear gas masks. I'm afraid those snake people will attack us with gas later.(等一下,我想我们应该去戴防毒面具。我怕等一下那些蛇族人会用毒来攻击我们)
Mia(米雅)Good idea!Yuko!(好主意!小优!)
Mo(阿莫)Ok,let's go!(好的,我们走吧!)
Kyara called out again.(小粉又叫了一声)
Mia(米雅)Kyara, be obedient. We are really in a hurry now. You can talk to me later when we come back, OK?(小粉,听话。我们现在是真的有急事。等我们回来以后你再跟我说,好吗?)
As soon as the voice fell, Mia followed Yuko and Mo.Onchao followed(话音刚落,米雅就跟着小优和阿莫走了。小金角也跟了上去)
Kyara was so wronged that it ran out of the secret road without looking back.(小粉委屈极了,它头也不回地从密道跑了出去)
Simo(西蒙)Kyara!Where are you going?(小粉!你要去哪?)
But Kyara has run far away and can't hear what he said.(可小粉已经跑了很远,听不到他说的话了)
Mo(阿莫)What happened,Simo?(怎么了,西蒙?)
Mo,Yuko and Mia come out with gas masks.(阿莫,小优和米雅拿着防毒面具出来了)
Simo(西蒙)Kyara ran out, I don't know why, I called it but it didn't come back.(小粉跑出去了,我不知道为什么,我喊它它也不回来)
At this time, Onchao horn next to Mia lowered its head in shame.(这时,米雅身旁的小金角惭愧地低下了头)
OnchaoWell, it's all my fault.(唉,都是我的错)
Mia(米雅)What happened,Onchao?(发生了什么,小金角?)
OnchaoWell, When playing games with Kyara, I was more competitive, so I cheated, and I didn't admit it, which made it angry(嗯,我们在玩游戏的时候,我因为好胜心比较强,所以作弊了,而且还不承认,结果它生气了)
Yuko(小优)What is it talking about?(它在说什么?)
Because Yuko can't understand what Unicorn said, she has to ask Mia.(因为小优听不懂独角兽的话,所以她只好去问米雅)
Mia(米雅)What it means is that he makes Kyara angry while playing games(它的意思是它在玩游戏的时候把小粉惹生气了)
Mo(阿莫)Let's go to Kyara first. I don't want it in any danger(我们先去找小粉吧。我可不希望它遇到什么危险)
OnchaoTake me with you. I'm going to apologize to it.(带上我吧,我要去跟它道歉)
Mia(米雅)Mm-hmm, let's come together.(好的,那就一起来吧)
Yuko(小优)I went to the unicorn ranch to find it.(我去独角兽牧场找它)
Mo(阿莫)I went to the beach to look for it.(我去海滩上找)
Mia(米雅)I went to the dark forest to find it.(我去暗黑森林找它)
OnchaoI'll go with you.(我和你一起去)
Simo(西蒙)Then I'll look in the forest and grass nearby.(那我就在这附近的森林和草地上找一找)
Yuko(小优)Ok, If you find Kyara, click the friendship ring. We'll meet in front of the palace.(好的,如果找到了小粉,就按一下友谊戒指。我们在宫殿前集合。)
With that, Yuko flew away, The other also went away one after another.(说完,小优就飞走了,其他人也陆陆续续的分头走了)
OnchaoYou come out.I am sorry.I shouldn't have made you angry just now.Come out quickly.(你出来吧。对不起,是我错了,我刚刚不应该惹你生气。你快出来吧)
But no one answered.(可是没有人回答)
Yuko(小优)Kyara!Where are you?(小粉?你在哪儿?)
No one answered.(还是没有人回答)
There was silence all around.(四周一片寂静)
OnchaoOh,no.That's my fault.If I hadn't made Kyara angry,it wouldn't have run away.(噢,不。那都是我的错。如果我不惹小粉生气的话,它就不会跑走了)
Mia(米雅)Don't blame yourself,Onchao. Our main task now is to find your sister first, and then you can apologize to her.(别自责了,小金角。我们现在的主要任务是先找到你妹妹,然后你再向她道歉)
?(蛇族族长)Whoa,whoa,whoa.It seems that my intelligence officer is right.There is a winged unicorn here.(哇哦哇哦哇哦,看来我的情报员没有说错,这里果然有一只长翅膀的独角兽呢)
There was a sly smile on the face of the head of the snake clan-it turned out that when Mia and her party were looking for Kyara,a member of the snake clan had reported the information it had obtained to her.(蛇族族长的脸上露出了一丝诡秘的笑容——原来,在米雅一行人寻找小粉的时候,一条蛇族成员已经将它获得的情报汇报给了她)
Mia(米雅)Hi,snake clan leader. Do you know where Kyara is?(您好,蛇族族长。请问您知道小粉在哪吗?)
?(蛇族族长)I don't know.But...(我不知道。但是……)
The snake clan leader's face showed a cunning smile.(蛇族族长的脸上露出了一丝狡黠的微笑)
?(蛇族族长)I only know that behind you stands what I need...Brothers,attack!(我只知道你的身后站着我需要的东西……弟兄们,进攻!)
All of a sudden, many snakes glided quickly toward Mia and Onchao.Mia shouted.(许多蛇快速地朝米雅和小金角滑来。米雅大喊。)
Mia(米雅)Onchao, fly!(小金角,快飞!)
Onchao hissed and flew into the sky.The snakes opened their mouths wide,and a purple mist of poison immediately filled the air.(小金角一声嘶鸣,飞上了天空。蛇群张开大嘴,一阵紫色的毒雾立刻在空中弥漫开来)
Yuko(小优)Don't hurt my friends!(不许伤害我的朋友们!)
As soon as Yuko's voice fell,a sugar cannonball was fired at the snakes.But the sugar cannonball melts when it touches the snake venom.The smile on the face of the head of the snake clan deepened.(小优话音刚落,一枚糖炮弹立刻向蛇群射去。可是糖炮弹一碰到蛇毒就化了。蛇族族长脸上的笑意更深了)
?(蛇族族长)Looks like things are getting more interesting…(看来事情变得更有趣了呢……)
Suddenly,a gust of wind blew,and the snakes were all rolled up.Mia and her party looked back and saw that it was Onchao that had not yet flown that had turned around and made the wind.(突然,一阵狂风吹过,蛇群全部被卷了起来。米雅一行人回头一看,原来是还没飞远的小金角回过头来制造了风)
?(蛇族族长)You…All right,I'll write it down!Brorhers,retreat!(你……好,这个帐我记下了!兄弟们,撤!)
The snakes immediately dispersed in a hubbub.At that moment,Mia's bracelet lit up.(蛇群立刻一哄而散。这时,米雅的手镯也亮了起来)
Mia(米雅)Oh, I am going back.I am sorry I could not help you find Kyara,Onchao.(哦,我要回去了。很抱歉没能帮你找回小粉,小金角)
OnchaoDon't worry, Yuko and Mo will help me.(别担心,小优和阿莫会帮我的)
Yuko(小优)Never mind, Mia. We'll keep looking.(没关系,米雅。我们会继续找的)
Mia(米雅)OK, I'll go. Bye!(好的,那我走了。拜拜!)
Mo(阿莫)Bye,Mia!See you soon!(再见,米雅!回头见!)
Back in the real world,Mia looked at the Bell Tower.(回到现实世界后,米雅看了看钟楼)
Mia(米雅真人)Oh,no.Class has begun.(哦,不。开始上课了。)
万能龙套(teacher老师)Come in.Mia, where have you been?(进来。米雅,你又去哪儿了?)
Mia(米雅真人)I... I may have eaten the wrong food recently. I'm not feeling well(我……我最近可能吃错东西了。身体有些不舒服)
万能龙套(teacher老师) Oh, pay attention to yourself.(哦,那你自己注意一下)
Mia(米雅真人)OK, thank you for your concern.(好的,谢谢老师的关心)
万能龙套(teacher老师) OK, now let's analyze the formula...(好的,现在我们来分析一下这个公式……)
Writer(作者)As my sixth grade is about to graduate, so this article took me a month to finish, I hope you can like it.(因为我六年级快要毕业了,所以这篇文章我花了一个月的时间才完成,希望你们能喜欢)
Writer(作者)In addition, if you have any suggestions, you can also give them to me.(另外,如果你们有什么建议的话,你们可以向我提哦)