话本小说网 > 动漫同人小说 > 米雅的精灵王国之灵族崛起
本书标签: 动漫同人  纯洁友谊 

First time met Green(初遇格琳)


Today is Saturday,Mia is reading in the library.(今天是星期六,米雅正在图书馆里看书)

Mia(米雅真人)Ah, the feeling of reading in the library is good.(啊,在图书馆里阅读的感觉真是太好了)

Mia said,stretching to get other book.(米雅说着,伸了个懒腰,准备拿另外一本书)

Suddenly,Mia slipped and almost fell barkwards.At this time,a pair of hands took her.Mia looked up and saw that the owner of the hands was a long-haired girl with a beautiful face.(米雅脚下一滑,差点向后倒去。这时,一双手拉住了她。米雅抬头一看,这双手的主人是一个面容清丽的长发女孩。)

Mia(米雅真人)Oh,thank you.(噢,谢谢你)

Orna(奥尔娜)You're welcome. Pay attention next time.(不客气。下次注意点)

There was a cold air in the girl's every move,as if it come from winter.Mia shuddered.(女孩的举手投足间都透着一股冷气,像是来自冬天。米雅不禁打了个寒颤)

At this time,Mia's bracelet lit up,Mia immediately put her hand over the bracelet.(这时,米雅的手镯亮了,米雅立刻用手捂住了手镯)

Mia(米雅真人)I...I have some urgent business.Thank you again.(我……我有一些急事。再次谢谢你)

Finish saying, Mia grabs schoolbag in a hurry, ran to toilet.(说完,米雅急匆匆地抓起书包,跑进了厕所)

After reading the magic book,Mia pressed the bracelet.(看完魔法书后,米雅按下了手镯)

Mia(米雅真人)In the meteor across the place, find invisible friends.(在流星划过的地方,找到隐形的朋友)


Just arrived Centopia,Mia said hello to Yuko and Mo in a friendly way.But they were listless.(米雅就友好地与小优和阿莫打了个招呼。但他们却无精打采的)



Mia(米雅)What's wrong?Hasn't Kyara come back yet?(怎么了?小粉还没回来吗?)

Yuko(小优)Mmm Hmm.We've been looking for her for three days,but we haven't found her.(嗯。我们整整找了三天,还是没有找到她)

Mia(米雅)Then listen to this orcle:in the meteor across the place, find invisible friends.(那就听听这次的密语吧:在流星划过的地方,找到隐形的朋友)

Mo(阿莫)Oh,no matter this time,orcle is still so difficult to understand.(噢,不管哪一次,密语还是那么难理解)

Simo(西蒙)Hi,guys!I have a good new!(你们好,朋友们!我有一个好消息!)

Mia(米雅)Simo?You are here?(西蒙?你也在这?)

Simo(西蒙)Mmm.I have been staying here since the night of Kyara's disappearance.During the search for Kyara,the snake people also harassed us.During this time,I have been looking for a way to remove the snake venom.Now that I've found a book,would you like to see it?(嗯。我从小粉失踪的那个晚上开始就一直呆在这,在找小粉期间蛇族人也有来骚扰过我们,这段时间我一直在找克服蛇毒的办法。现在我找到了一本书,你们要不要看看?)

Yuko(小优)Ok.Lead the way!(好的。带路吧!)

Simo(西蒙)Look,this is it.(看,就是这个)

Mo(阿莫)《A complete collection of strange gems》, I've never heard of this book!(《奇异宝石大全》,我可从来都没有听过这本书!)

Simo smiles.(西蒙微微一笑)

Simo(西蒙)Of course you haven't heard of it. I found it in the gap between the two bookshelves.(你当然没有听说过啦!这是我从两个书架中间的缝隙找到的)

Simo(西蒙)Turn to the bookmarked page, you can find the page I saw.(翻开有书签的那一页,你们就可以找到我看到的那一页了)

Mia(米雅)Holy Spirit Gem(圣灵宝石)

Mia read out the title of the page.(米雅念出了那一页的标题)

Mia(米雅)The Holy Spirit gem is the gem in the top grade,they are less than a hundred years of absorption,more than a thousand years of absorption.Has the effects of treating and preventing snake venom and bringing the dead back to life.But they have aura,and only creature that match their aura can use them,otherwise it's hard to even touch them.(圣灵宝石是宝石中的上品,它们少则吸收了百年灵气,多则吸收了万年。具有治疗、预防蛇毒及起死回生的功效。但它们具有灵气,只有与它们灵气相符的生物才能使用它们,否则连触碰它们都很难。)

Mia(米雅)Note:The Holy Spirit Gems are elusive,but the Eldar know how to find them in song.(注:圣灵宝石虽行踪不定,但灵族人知道如何用歌声找到它们)

OnchaoHmm...Mia, did you forget something?(嗯……米雅,你是不是忘了什么?)

Mia(米雅)Onchao! When did you coming?(小金角!你什么时候进来的?)

OnchaoDon't worry about it.I asked you if you forget something?(先别管这个,我问你是不是忘了什么?)

Mia(米雅)Oh!Kyara!We have to find her!(噢!小粉!我们还要去找她呢!)

Yuko(小优)OK, I'll go to the seaside.(好的,我去海边)

Simo(西蒙)I'll go to dark forest.(我去暗黑森林)

Mo(阿莫)I'll go to the unicorn ranch.(我去独角兽牧场看看)

Mia(米雅)Then I'll go to the hurricane valley with Onchao!(那我就和小金角去飓风山谷吧!)

Yuko(小优)Meet here in half an hour!(半个小时后在这里汇合!)

Just as they were talking about it, Kyara was trapped for three days by something she didn't know.(正当一行人讨论得热火朝天的时候,小粉却被一种她不知道是什么的东西困了三天)


But even if her voice was hoarse, there was no response.(可是即使她的嗓子喊哑了,也没有人回应她)

At this time, a girl came over, and a forest immediately appeared around Kyara.(这时,一个女孩走了过来,小粉的周围立刻显现出了一片森林)

Green(格琳)What's the noise... Oh, it's a unicorn!(什么东西在吵啊……噢,是一匹独角兽!)

The girl came running with a blade of grass in her hand.(女孩飞奔过来,手里还拿着一片草叶)

Green(格琳)let me have a look...Sorry,I've been so obsessed lately that I haven't noticed you.(让我看看……抱歉,我最近修炼得太入迷了,没有注意到你)

The girl raised her hand, The vines around Kyara released her immediately. The girl looked at her feet again, fortunately, she was no injury.(女孩抬起了她的手,小粉周围的藤蔓立刻放开了她。女孩又看了看她的脚,幸运的是她没有受伤)

Green(格琳)It's OK. It's OK...I am Green.What is your name?(还好,还好……我是格琳。你叫什么名字?)

Kyara(小粉)I...I am Kyara.(我……我叫小粉)

Kyara is a little shy.(小粉有点害羞)

Green(格琳)Kyara?That's a good name... Would you mind playing with me for a while? It's not boring.(小粉?真是一个好名字……你不介意和我玩一会儿吧?我无聊死了)

Kyara(小粉)Of course.(当然可以)

Kyara agreed.(小粉答应了)

Green(格琳)Let's sing a song together, shall we?(我们一起唱会歌吧,可以吗?)

Green suggested.(格琳提议道)

Kyara(小粉)Ok...But I can't sing.(可以……但是我不会唱歌)

Green(格琳)It doesn't matter. You can listen to me sing for a while!(没关系。你可以听我唱一会歌啊!)

Kyara nodded. Green began to sing.(小粉点了点头。格琳便开始唱歌)

Green(格琳)Every inch of me is trembling(我全身颤抖)

Green(格琳)But not from the cold(不是因为外界的寒冷)

Green(格琳)Something is familiar(有些东西似曾相识)

Green(格琳)Like a dream I can reach but not quite hold(仿佛是一场梦,可望不可及)

Green(格琳)I can sense you there.(我可以感觉到你在那里)

Green(格琳)Like a friend I've always known(就像一个我熟识的朋友)

Green(格琳)I'm arriving there(我就要到达那里)

Green(格琳)And it feels like I am home(感觉就像在家一样)

Green(格琳)I have always been a fortress(我的内心就像一座城堡,心怀戒备)

Green(格琳)Cold secrets deep inside(内心深处藏着冷酷的秘密)

Green(格琳)You have secrets too(你也有秘密)

Green(格琳)But you don't have to hide(但你不需要藏匿)

Green(格琳)Show yourself(彰显真我)

Green(格琳)I'm dying to meet you(我渴望见到你)

Green(格琳)Show yourself(彰显真我)

Green(格琳)It's your turn(该你上场了)

Green(格琳)Are you the one I've been looking for all of my life?(你是我穷尽一生要找的那个人吗?)

Green(格琳)Show yourself(彰显真我)

Green(格琳)I'm ready to learn(我准备好去了解你)

Green(格琳)Ah Ah Ah Ah(啊∽)

Green(格琳)Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah(啊∽)

A string of notes spits out,and the plant around Green sway gently,as if they were listening to her song.(一串音符吐出,格琳周围的植物轻轻摇摆,似乎也在倾听着她的歌声)

Kyara listened in silence,and the song seemed to have an incomparable magic,bringing her to another world.(小粉也静静地听着,这歌声仿佛有着无与伦比的魔力,将她带入了另一个世界)

At this time, Green's singing has not stopped.(此时,格琳的歌声还没有停止)

Green(格琳)I've never felt so certain(我从未如此笃定)

Green(格琳)All my life I've been torn(我的一生饱受折磨)

Green(格琳)But I come here for a reason(但我来这是有原因的)

Green(格琳)Could it be the reason I was born?(这是我降生于世的原因吗?)

Green(格琳)Ihave always been so different(我一直都与众不同)

Green(格琳)Normal rules did not apply(普通的规则不适用于我)

Green(格琳)Is this the day?(是今天吗?)

Green(格琳)Are you the way?(你为我指点迷津)

Green(格琳)I finally find out why(我终于找到原因了)

Green(格琳)Show yourself(彰显真我)

Green(格琳)I'm no longer trembling(我不再恐惧)

Green(格琳)Here I am(我在这)

Green(格琳)I've come so far(我历经千辛万苦)

Green(格琳)You are the answer I've waited for all of my life(你是我寻找一生的答案)

Green(格琳)Oh~Show yourself(噢∽彰显真我)

Green(格琳)Let me see who you are(让我看看真实的你)

Green(格琳)Come to me now(到我身边来)

Green(格琳)Open your door(打开你的心扉)

Green(格琳)Don't make me wait(别让我等待)

Green(格琳)One moment more(再多一刻)

Green(格琳)Oh~Come to me now(噢∽到我身边来)

Green(格琳)Open your door(打开你的心扉)

Green(格琳)Don't make me wait(别让我等待)

Green(格琳)One moment more(再多一刻)

When the music reached its climax, there was a trace of fanaticism in Green's eyes, the plants around her dance more warmly.(乐曲到达高潮,格琳的眼中流露出一丝狂热,她周围的植物舞动得更热烈了)

The breath of freedom, it affects Kyara's heart all the time. There was also a trace of desire in her eyes.(这自由的气息,无时无刻不牵动着小粉的心。她的眼睛里也显露出一丝渴望)

Green(格琳)Where the north wind meets the sea.(在北风与海洋交汇之处)

Green(格琳)Ah ah ah ah (啊∽)

Green(格琳)There's a river(有一条河流)

Green(格琳)Ah ah ah ah(啊∽)

Green(格琳)Full of memory(载满了记忆)

Green(格琳)Come my darling homeward bound(来吧,亲爱的,踏上归途)

Green(格琳)I am found(我找到了)

Green(格琳)Show yourself(彰显真我)

Green(格琳)Step into the power(释放你的能量)

Green(格琳)Grow yourself into something new(全身心投入到新的事物中去)

Green(格琳)You are the one you've been waiting for all of my life(你是我等待了一生的人)

Green(格琳)All of my life(一生的人)

Green(格琳)Oh~Show yourself(噢∽请你现身)

Green(格琳)Ah ah ah ah(啊∽)

Green(格琳)Ah ah ah ah(啊∽)

Green(格琳)Ah ah ah ah(啊∽)

At this time,Mia and Onchao are calling the name of Kyara under the hurricane valley.(这时,米雅和小金角正在飓风山谷下呼唤看小粉的名字)



Mia(米雅)Hmm...In the meteor across the place,find invisible friends...What does that mean?(嗯……在流星划过的地方,找到隐形的朋友……这到底是什么意思呢?)

OnchaoMia, have you ever heard of a legend?(你有没有听说过一个传说?)


OnchaoEvery time a meteor across the sky, there will be a new life born in this world.(每当一颗流星划过天际,就会有一个新生命降生在这个世界上)

Mia(米雅)New life...New life! Birth Cave!Come on Onchao!We must get there quickly!(新生命……新生命!诞生洞穴!快点,小金角!我们必须赶快到达那里!)

Kyara(小粉)Wow,Green!The song you sing is so beautiful!(哇哦,格琳!你唱的歌真是太好听了!)

Kyara praise.(小粉赞叹道)

Green(格琳)Thank you.This is one of my favourite songs,and it is also the song that our people use to call the Holy Spirit Gem.But I sing this song every day,and the Holy Spirit Gem is still missing.Alas...(谢谢你。这是我最喜欢的一首歌,也是我们族人用来召唤圣灵宝石的歌。可是这首歌我天天都在唱,圣灵宝石却还是不见踪影。唉……)


At this time,Mia's voice broke into the eardrums of Kyara and Green.Kyara exclaimed excitedly.(这时,米雅的声音闯入了小粉和格琳的耳膜。小粉兴奋地喊道)

Kyara(小粉)Mia!I'm here!(米雅!我在这里!)

But Mia did not seem to hear,still anxiously looking for.(但米雅似乎没有听到,依旧着急地找着)

Kyara(小粉)Mia!Mia!I'm here!Can you hear me?(米雅!米雅!我在这里!你能听见吗?)

Green(格琳)Don't shout.This forest is sound proof and invisible.They can't see you or hear you unless I give them permission.(别喊了,这片森林有隔音和隐形功能。除非经过我的允许,否则他们是看不到你,也听不见你的声音的)

Green paused and asked.(格琳顿了顿,问道)

Green(格琳)Are they your friends?If they are,I'll send you back.(她们是你的朋友吗?如果是的话,我就把你送回去)



Mia's voice was almost hoarse,but there was still no sign of Kyara.(米雅的嗓子都快喊哑了,可还是不见小粉的踪影)

OnchaoMaybe orcle wasn't talking about this place,let's go somewhere else.(也许密语说的不是这里,我们去别的地方看看吧)

Mia nodded helplessly.At that moment,Green touched a mushroom beside her with her hand,and a lush forest immediately appeared in front of Mia and Onchao.Oh,and the playful figure of Kyara and the sightly cold face of Green.(米雅无奈地点了点头。这时,格琳用手轻轻碰了一下身旁的一朵蘑菇,米雅和小金角眼前立刻出现了一片郁郁葱葱的森林。哦,还有小粉那俏皮的身影及格琳稍带冷漠的面庞)


With a cheer,Mia rushed forward and hugged Kyara.Onchao was just about to say thank you to Green,but she had already disappeared.(米雅欢呼一声,扑上前抱住了小粉。小金角刚想向格琳道谢,却发现她早已不见了踪影)

OnchaoLet's go.Otherwise,Yuko and Mo will be worried.(走吧。不然小优和阿莫会着急的)

?(蛇族族长)Do you want to leave so soon?(这么快就想走了吗?)

The creepy voice of the serpent patriarch rang out.Then the figures of her and her people caught the eye of Mia and her party.(蛇族族长令人毛骨悚然的声音响了起来。随后,她和她的族人们的身影便映入了米雅一行人的眼帘)

?(蛇族族长)Oh,great.Two.That'll make it easier.(噢,太棒了,两只,这样就容易多了)

Mia(米雅)Don't you hurt Kyara and Onchao!(不许你伤害小粉和小金角!)

?(蛇族族长)Ha ha ha.Forbid?Do you have this qualification?(哈哈哈……不准?你有这个资格么?)

As soon as the voice fell,the eyes of the head of the snake clan became sharp.She lifted her hand slightly,and a blast of air lifted Mia,who hit her head on a large stone beside her,and the ring on her finger lit up with the collision.(话音刚落,蛇族族长的目光变得凌厉起来。她轻抬纤手,一股气流将米雅掀起来,米雅一头撞到了旁边的一块大石头上,手指上的戒指也因碰撞而亮了起来)



Cried the brother and sister in chorus.By this time,the snakes had rushed to them with lightning speed.(兄妹俩齐声喊道。此时,蛇群已经以迅雷不及掩耳之势涌向了它们)

In front of the palace(宫殿前)

Yuko(小优)Why hasn't Mia come back for so long?It's been 50 minutes now.(米雅怎么这么久都没回来?现在已经过了50分钟了)

Mo(阿莫)What if something happened to her?(她会不会出什么事了?)

At this time,Yuko,Mo and Simo's rings all lit up.(这时,小优、阿莫和西蒙的戒指都亮了起来)

Simo(西蒙)Mia needs our help!Let's go!(米雅需要我们的帮助!快走!)

In front of the Birth Cave(诞生洞穴前)

OnchaoKyara,you go first,I'll deal with them!(小粉,你先走,我来对付它们!)

With that,Onchao fanned a gust of wind with his wings and rolled up the incoming snakes.Kyara took the opportunity to fly up——it was going to find Yuko and Mo for support.(说罢,小金角用翅膀扇起一阵狂风,将涌过来的蛇群卷了起来,小粉趁机飞了起来——它要去找小优和阿莫他们支援)

But the head of snake clan smiled.(蛇族族长却微微一笑)

?(蛇族族长)Want to run?Do you think I'm gonna let the baby fly away?(想跑?你觉得我会让到手的宝贝飞走吗?)(注:蛇族族长听得懂独角兽语)

The head of snake clan raised his hand,and a gas bomb was immediately fired at Kyara.Suddenly,the head of snake clan was hit by someone,and the gas bomb was deflected——it turned out that Mo,who had just arrived,had knocked down the head of snake clan.(蛇族族长抬了抬手,一个毒气弹立刻向小粉射去。忽然,蛇族族长被人撞了一下,毒气弹被打偏了——原来是刚刚赶来的阿莫撞倒了蛇族族长)

While Mo knocked down the head of snake clan,Yuko flew to the unconscious Mia's side.(趁着阿莫把蛇族族长撞倒的时候,小优飞到了昏迷的米雅身边)

Yuko(小优)Mia!Mia!Are you ok?(米雅!米雅!你还好吗?)

?(蛇族族长)You guys...If you ruin my business,I will give you some color to see see!(你们…...坏了我的事,我就给你们点颜色瞧瞧!)

Yuko winked at Mo and Simo,and Mo and Simo immediately flew in front of Mia,and Onchao and Kyara flew down.They formed a semicircle with Mia in the center.(小优向阿莫和西蒙使了个眼色,阿莫和西蒙立刻飞到了米雅前面,小金角和小粉也飞了下来。他们形成了一个半圆,将米雅围在中心)

The head of snake clan gave a sneer,and a poisonous fog immediately filled the crowd.Suddenly,a girl's voice rang out.(蛇族族长冷笑一声,一股毒雾立刻向一行人弥漫过去。忽然,一个女孩的声音响了起来)

Green(格琳)Field of purification!(净化领域!)

Suddly,a pale green,translucent hemisphere spread around the girl as the center of the circle,and the poisonous fog released by the head of snake clan disappeared without a trace.They looked back and saw that it was Green,whom Kyara had just met.A look of surprise crossed the serpent's face,but it was soon replaced by indifference.(顿时,一个淡绿色、半透明的半球体以女孩为圆心向四周扩散,蛇族族长放出的毒雾立刻消失得无影无踪。众人回头一看,说话的正是小粉刚认识不久的格琳。蛇族族长见了,脸上掠过一丝惊讶的神情,不过很快就被冷漠代替了)

?(蛇族族长)Eldar?What are you doing here?(灵族人?你怎么会出现在这里?)

Green(格琳)I also want to ask you,don't you snake people often live alone on the island?How did you end up here?(我还想问你呢,你们蛇族人不是经常独居在海岛上吗?怎么会出现在这里?)

?(蛇族族长)I'm warning you,Eldar,mind your business.Otherwise,you can't afford to die.(我警告你,灵族人,不要多管闲事。否则,死亡的后果,可是你担当不起的)

Green(格琳)Oh?Is it?(哦?是吗?)

With a sneer,a willow knife flew out of her hand and reached the neck of the head of the snake clan.The head of snake clan shuddered at the emerald green liquid dripping from the tip of the knife.She unconsciously retreated,only to find that she was blocked by a tree.(格琳冷笑一声,一枚柳叶小刀立刻从她的手中飞出,直抵蛇族族长的颈部。刀尖滴着的翠绿色液体令蛇族族长不寒而栗,她下意识地向后退了退,却发现被一棵树挡住了)

Green(格琳)I also warn you,don't touch a hair of my friend,otherwise,the consequences of death,you can't afford.(我也警告你,不要动我的朋友的一根毫毛,否则,死亡的后果,也是你承担不起的)

?(蛇族族长)You...You...All right,we'll see!Brothers,let's go!(你……你们……好,我们走着瞧!兄弟们,我们走!)

The snakes quickly gathered around the chief of the snake clan.As soon as Green raised her hand,the willow knife flew back into her hand.The chief of the snake clan gave Green a meaningful look and left with her people.(蛇群快速聚集在蛇族族长周围。格琳一抬手,那把柳叶小刀立刻飞回了她的手中。蛇族族长意味深长地看了格琳一眼,便带着族人离开了)

At this moment,a diamond-shaped emerald with a strong light appeared in front of everyone.The expression on Green's face immediately changed from indifference to surprise.(这时,一块闪着强烈光芒的菱形绿宝石出现在了众人面前。格琳脸上的表情立刻由冷漠转变成了惊喜)

Green(格琳)This...This is the Holy Spirit Gem!(这……这是圣灵宝石!)

The crowd was shocked,but they still remembered the characteristic of the Holy Spirit Gem and waited quietly for the choice of the Holy Spirit Gem.(众人一下子惊呆了,但他们仍记得圣灵宝石的特性,静静等待圣灵宝石的选择。)

The gem stayed in the air for a long time and then flew to Green's side.At the same time,the necklace around Green's neck floated in midair,merging with the Holy Spirit Gem and emitting a dazzling light.(宝石在空中停了半晌,便飞到了格琳身边。与此同时,格琳脖子上的项链也漂浮在半空中,与圣灵宝石融合在一起,发出耀眼的光芒。)

Mia(米雅)What happened?(发生了什么?)

At this time,Mia woke up,Yuko was so excited that she hugged her.(这时,米雅醒了,小优激动得一把抱住了她)

Yuko(小优)Mia!I'm so glad you're okey.You scared the hell out of us!(你没事真是太好了,刚才你可把我们吓死了!)

Mia(米雅)I'm all right.This is...(我已经没事了。这位是……)

Mia cast her eyes on Green.(米雅把目光投向了格琳)

Kyara(小粉)This is Green.She's the one who helped us get rid of the snakes.(这是格琳。是她帮我们赶走了蛇族人)

Mia(米雅)Thank you.I'm Mia.(谢谢你。我叫米雅)

Yuko(小优)I'm Yuko.(我叫小优)

Mo(阿莫)I'm Mo.(我叫阿莫)

Simo(西蒙)I'm Simo.(我叫西蒙)

OnchaoI'm Onchao.(我叫小金角)


Green answered curtly.(格琳简短地答道)

Green(格琳)It's a simple task.You're welcome.(举手之劳,不必客气)

With that,Green touched a tree beside her,and she disappeared with the forest behind her.(说罢,格琳碰了碰身旁的一棵树,她就和身后的森林一起不见了)

Mo(阿莫)Wow,she's a strange girl.Right?(哇哦,她真是一个奇怪的女孩。对吗?)

Suddly,Mia's bracelet lit up.(突然,米雅的手镯亮了)

Mia(米雅)Oh,I'll go.Bye!(噢,我要走了。再见!)


Yuko(小优)See you soon!(回头见!)

What a wonderful adventure!Mia thought as the returned to her seat and leisurely read.(真是一次奇妙的冒险啊!米雅一边想,一边回到座位上,悠闲地看起了书)

Writer(作者)It took me two weeks to finish this work. I hope you like it.(这是我花了两个星期完成的作品,希望你们能喜欢)

Writer(作者)The paragraph about Green singing in the article is not good enough. If you have any suggestions, you can comment on it(文中描写格林唱歌的那一段,我写的不太好,如果你有建议的话,可以在评论区评论)


Writer(作者)There is something wrong with the translation in this paragraph. If you have a better translation, you can go to the comments section for suggestions.(这一段中的翻译有点问题,如果你有更好的翻译,可以在评论区提议)


上一章 Kyara is gone(小粉不见了) 米雅的精灵王国之灵族崛起最新章节