After the summer vacation, Mia went back to her school(暑假结束了,米雅又回到了她的学校上学)
Mia(米雅真人)Hello!long time no see!(你们好呀!好久不见!)
Vinson(文森)Hello! Mia!(你好!米雅!)
Vinson(文森)What did you do over the summer vacation?(你们在暑假里做了什么?)
Mia(米雅真人)Well, it's a long story(嗯,说来话长)
Paula(宝拉)I didn't do anything. Just do some homework, do some housework and so on(我几乎什么也没做,就是做一些作业和一些家务罢了)
Vinson(文森)Have you heard? Violetta be gone!(你们听说了吗?艾薇塔走了!)
Mia(米雅真人)Actually, Violetta is not bad. She went Centopia with me(其实,艾薇塔她并不坏。她还跟我去了精灵王国呢)
Paula(宝拉)Really?What happened to you?(真的吗?发生了什么?)
Suddenly, Mia's bracelet glowed(突然,米雅的手环发光了)
Mia(米雅真人)Uh oh,Centopia is calling. l have to go.(哦哦,精灵王国在召唤我,我要走了)
Paula(宝拉)Ok,be safe(好的,路上小心)
Then,Mia take out the magic book. She looked at it then she pressed the bracelet.(然后,米雅拿出魔法书,看了一会儿后她按了一下手镯)
Mia(米雅真人)The black moss is spread. Collect them and find out the truth(黑色的苔藓在蔓延,收集它们并找到真相)
That's all,Mia went to Centopia under the cover of Vinson and Paula.(就这样,米雅在文森和宝拉的掩护下去了精灵王国)
Mia(米雅)Wow!So pretty!(哇哦!好漂亮啊!)
The sky of Centopia is as blue as sapphire,countless plants compete with each other in the land of Centopia,and the laughter of the elves echoes over the Centopia.(只见精灵王国的天空蓝得像蓝宝石一样,无数的植物在精灵王国的土地上争芳斗艳,精灵们的欢笑在精灵王国上空回荡)
Among the countless elves,Mia recognized Yuko and Mo at once.(在无数的精灵当中,米雅一下子认出了小优和阿莫)
Yuko(小优)Hi!Mia!Nice to see you!(你好!米雅!很高兴见到你!)
Mo(阿莫)Hey!Mia! Welcome back to Centopia!(嘿!米雅!欢迎回到精灵王国!)
Mia(米雅)By the way,guys, I have some bad news.(对了,朋友们,我有一些坏消息)
Yuko(小优)What's the bad news?(什么坏消息?)
Mo(阿莫)What's the bad news?(什么坏消息?)
Mia(米雅)Listen this orcle: the black moss is spread.Collect them and find out the trust(听听这次的密语:黑色的苔藓在蔓延,收集它们并找到真相)
Yuko(小优)Hum, this time the orcle it's finally easier to understand(嗯,这次的密语终于容易懂一些了)
Mo(阿莫)Where are we going to find the black moss?(我们要去哪里找黑色的苔藓呢?)
万能龙套(Elf intelligence agent精灵情报员) Prince Mo,we found black moss where Rexel used to dock,and they are getting bigger and bigger.(阿莫王子,我们在以前花团长停靠的地方发现了黑色的苔藓,而且它们的面积越来越大)
Mia(米雅)Speak of the devil(真是说曹操曹操到啊)
Yuko(小优)What are we waiting for? Let's go!(那我们还等什么?赶紧走吧!)
So they came to the place that elf intelligence agent said(于是,他们来到了精灵情报员所说的地方)
Mo(阿莫)Wow, it's terrible!(哇哦,太可怕了!)
The sand blow the party was covered with black moss,which,as the elf intelligence agent had said, was growing in size(只见一行人下方的沙滩上布满了苔藓,正如精灵情报员所说,它们的面积正在不断扩大)
Yuko(小优)Ok,now, we have to do orcle says:collect them(好吧,现在我们得按照密语说的做:收集它们)
As she spoke,Yuko flapped her wings and tried to land on the ground,but was stopped by Mo(话音刚落,小优便拍打着翅膀,打算降落到了地上,却被阿莫一把拦住了)
Mo(阿莫)Wait! We'd better not touch them until we don't know them well, so as not get to hurt.(等一下!在我们不了解它们时最好不要碰它们,免得受伤)
Mia(米雅)I have an idea: We can wear gloves. So they don't get hurt because they don't understand(我有一个办法:我们可以戴上手套,这样就不会因为不了解它们而受伤了)
Yuko(小优)Good idea!Mia!(好主意!米雅!)
So Yuko took a pair of gloves out of her pocket and armed to the teeth,easily removed a small piece of black moss(于是,小优从随身携带的口袋里掏出一对手套全副武装后,轻松地取下了一小块黑色的苔藓)
Mo(阿莫)It's taken down, but what about the rest of the black moss?(拿是拿下来了,不过这些剩下的黑色的苔藓怎么办呢?)
OnchaoMia!Here you are!(米雅!你们在这啊!)(注:小金角虽然是独角兽,但是米雅听得懂独角兽与,所以这里直接翻译成人话)
Mia(米雅)Onchao!Kyara! You're here just in time. Come and help us restore these black mosses(小金角!小粉!你们来得正好,快来帮我们把这些黑色的苔藓恢复原样吧!)
OnchaoOk, no problem(好的,没问题)
Onchao lowered his head and aimed his horn at one of the black moss.A stream of golden light ran down his horn to the ground, but the black moss didn't move.(小金角低下头,将自己的角对准其中一片发黑的苔藓,一股金光顺着他的角流淌到地面上,但黑色的苔藓却纹丝不动)
OnchaoI can't do it.Kyara, you do it.(我做不到,小粉,你来吧!)
Kyara(小粉)Ok, I'll try.(好的,我来试试)
Onchao back a few step,let Kyara stand up,Kyara according to the appeearance of Onchao against the horn on the ground,the result is just the same.(小金角往后退了几步,让小粉站了上来,小粉依照小金角的样子将角抵在地上,结果也和刚刚一样)
Mia(米雅)What's going on? Why can't even Heart Crystal be fixed?(这是怎么回事?怎么连王国之心水晶都修复不了?)
Mo(阿莫)I don't know. But we can follow the second half of orcle first.(我不知道,不过我们可以先按照密语的后半部分做)
Yuko(小优)Find the truth… What are we going to do?(找到真相……怎么做?)
At that moment,a red petal was blown up by the wind and flew to the front of Onchao.Onchao had a brainwave and arched Mia,who suddenly realized the truth(就在这时,一片红色的花瓣被风吹了起来,飞到了小金角的面前。小金角灵机一动,拱了一下米雅,米雅恍然大悟道)
Mia(米雅)Hey, do you remember how we found Ono?(嘿,你们还记得我们当初是怎么找奥诺的吗?)
Yuko(小优)Hmm… We pass the petals of pansia found her memory… You mean we can find the memory through this little piece of moss?(嗯……我们通过潘西亚的花瓣找到了她的记忆……你的意思是我们可以通过这一小块苔藓找到它的记忆?)
Mia(米雅)Right!Let's go and find the elf mage!(没错!我们快去找精灵法师吧!)
Kyara(小粉)Wait for me!(等等我!)
Mo(阿莫)Of course we are waiting for you, cutie.(当然要等你啦,小可爱)
As soon as our party of people reached the dark forest, Lola came out to meet them(一行人刚到暗黑森林,萝拉便出来迎接他们)
Mia(米雅)Lola, what are you doing here?Aren't you in the swamp?(萝拉,你怎么在这儿?你不是在沼泽地里的吗?)
Lola(萝拉)I came here to learn how to mix potions with elf mage, so that I can help the animals in the swamp when they are sick(我来这里跟精灵法师学习怎么调配药水,这样沼泽地里的动物生病时我就可以帮他们了)
Mia(米雅)That's good!(那很好啊!)
Yuko(小优)Emm,Mia. Did you forget something?(嗯,米雅,你是不是忘了什么?)
Mia(米雅)Oh,right! Is elf mage in?(哦,对了!精灵法师在吗?)
Mia(米雅)Hi!elf mage! You are just in time. We have something to ask for you(您好,精灵法师,您来的正好,我们有事要找您)
精灵法师What's wrong?(怎么了?)
So Mo told the elf mage the whole story(于是,阿莫将事情的来龙去脉告诉了精灵法师)
精灵法师Hmm…Copy that.Lola,let's go to the tree house(嗯……明白了。萝拉,我们去树屋)
After Lola and elf mage flew up to the tree house,Yuko asked quietly(萝拉和精灵法师飞上树屋后,小优悄悄问道)
Yuko(小优)Why is Lola so happy?(萝拉怎么那么高兴?)
Simo(西蒙)Well,my mom was worried about Lola making triuble,so she wouldn't let her get the potion(是这样的,我妈妈担心萝拉捣乱,所以经常不让她弄药水)
In the tree house…(在树屋里……)
精灵法师Hmm…Let me see…Oh,we're out of memory potion!(嗯……让我看看……噢,记忆药水用完了!)
Lola(萝拉)What now?(现在怎么办?)
精灵法师Don't worry. I can make new ones.(别担心,我可以做新的)
精灵法师First, put in the frog's saliva. Then… Where is the pollen of moonflower?(首先,放入青蛙的口水,然后……月光花的花粉哪去了?)
While the elf mage was searching for the petals of moonflower,Lola put a bottle of green liquid into the pot that just put frog saliva(当机灵法师在寻找月光花的花瓣时,萝拉将一瓶绿色的液体倒入了刚刚放青蛙的口水的锅里)
精灵法师Hey, not that one!(嘿,不是那个!)
But it's too late. Green smoke came out of the pot. elf mage and Lola were choked to tears. Later, elf mage was surprised to find out(但是已经太晚了,绿色的烟雾从锅里冒了出来,精灵法师和萝拉被呛出了眼泪。随后,精灵法师惊喜地发现)
精灵法师Hey, that's what I want! Thank you, Lola!(嘿,这正是我想要的!谢谢你,萝拉!)
Lola(萝拉)You're welcome. Let's go. They're still waiting for us(不客气,我们走吧,他们还在等我们呢)
Mo(阿莫)Look! Elf mage and Lola are back!(快看!精灵法师和萝拉回来了!)
精灵法师Please give me that piece of black moss(请把那块黑色的苔藓给我)
Yuko(小优)Ok, here you are.(好的,给你)
Elf mage pour the potion on the black moss, and a box immediately appears on the moss(精灵魔法师将药水倒在了黑色的苔藓上,苔藓上立刻出现了一个方框)
In the box, a creature with a human upper body and a snake lower body walks on the beach with a group of snakes. The creature, whose upper body is human and lower body is snake, waved his arms and cried out(在方框里,一个上半身是人下半身是蛇的生物带领着一群蛇在沙滩上走动,那个上半身是人下半身是蛇的生物挥舞着手臂,大声喊道)
?(蛇族族长)Come on, we need to find what we want as soon as possible and rebuild a new home!(快点,我们必须尽快找到我们要的东西然后重建一个新家!)
Then the box disappears(然后,方框就消失了)
Yuko(小优)Who are they ?(它们是谁?)
精灵法师I don't know. But at least we know who did it(我也不知道,但我们至少知道这是谁干的了)
Mo(阿莫)I think next we should find them and make it clear to them(我想接下来我们应该找到它们,然后跟它们说清楚)
Now ,Mia's bracelet lights up(这时,米雅的手环亮了)
Mia(米雅)Oh, I have to go.Goodbye, guys!(哦,我要走了。再见,朋友们!)
Mo(阿莫)Bye,Mia!See you soon!(再见,米雅!回头见!)
Yuko(小优)See you again!Mia!(再见,米雅!)
Mia(米雅真人)Hey, where are Vinson and Paula?(嘿,文森和宝拉去哪了?)
Mia(米雅真人)Uh,oh,class begins.(啊哦,上课了)
万能龙套(teacher老师)Coming.Mia, where did you just go?(进来。米雅,你刚刚去哪了?)
Mia(米雅真人)I… I didn't feel well and went to the bathroom(我……我身体不舒服去上了个厕所)
万能龙套(teacher老师) Oh, let's go on with the class(哦,那我们继续上课)
万能龙套(teacher老师) Let's take a look at these two triangles…(我们来看一下这两个三角形……)
Writer(作者)I spent five days updating this article. I hope you like it(这是我花了五天时间更新出来的文章,希望你们能喜欢)