阿鲁(老大不至于太夸张了)(The boss is not too exaggerated)
周墨枫(这么快?)(So fast? )
超级系统(你不是需要他吗?我就把他传送过来了)(Don't you need him? I sent him over)
周墨枫(行吧,前面就是巢湖了……)(Ok, the front is Chaohu,)
铁甲鳄(摆尾!)(Swinging tail! )
阿鲁(魔手!握!跪下!)(Magic Hand! Hold go down on one's knees )
(铁甲鳄的尾巴还没摔到周墨枫等人就被阿鲁抓住了)(The tail of the armored crocodile has not been caught by Zhou Mofeng and others.)
铁甲鳄(啊这……动不了了……这是怎么可以这么变态的人啊)(Ah, this, can't move, How can this be such a perverted person?)
辰熙(琉璃术!逆天爆!)(Glass art! To explode against the sky! )
周墨枫(秒杀?你这不是可以吗?)Flash Sale Isn't that okay with you? )
辰熙(前提是他站着不动让我打啊)(The premise is that he stands still and let me fight.)
周墨枫(行吧,回去了?)(OK, go back? )
辰熙(嗯,任务要铁甲鳄的核晶)(Well, the mission is to be the nuclear crystal of the armored crocodile)
(辰熙把铁甲鳄的核晶割下来,又把鳄鱼皮,牙齿骨头 肉都割下来了)(Chen Xi cut off the nucleus of the armored crocodile, and cut off the crocodile skin, teeth, bones and meat.)
周墨枫(你这干嘛呢?)(What are you doing here? )
辰熙(这个可是大圣灵兽的尸体你就浪费了?)(This is the body of the Great Spirit Beast, you are wasted? )
超级系统(确实……鳄鱼皮可以做护甲,牙齿和骨头可以做武器,肉可以吃)(Indeed, crocodile skin can be used as armor, teeth and bones can be used as weapons, and meat can be eaten)
周墨枫(而且还是大圣级别的东西,这样的武器可真不多啊)(And it is still a big saint level thing, there are not many such weapons)
本章完End of this chapter