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超级系统(所以以后的强者尸体可以不浪费了)(So the future strong body can not be wasted)

周墨枫(行了,废物也利用了可以走了吧?让我看看任务奖励有没有什么好东西)(All right, the waste is also used. Can we go? Let me see if there is anything good about the mission reward)

(周墨枫几人回到巢湖城)(Zhou Mofeng several people returned to Chaohu City)

辰熙(走吧一起去交任务吧)(Let's go and hand in the task together)

打工人(哟 这么快就回来了)(Oh, come back so soon)

辰熙(这是铁甲鳄的核晶)(This is the nuclear crystal of the armored crocodile)

打工人(卧槽,还是大圣级别的?)(Fuck, still a big saint level? )


打工人(行吧,等我一下,我去拿任务奖励)(OK, wait for me, I'll get the task reward)

周墨枫(他这个不会是拿核晶等级高低发奖励的吧?)(He won't be rewarded with a high level of nuclear crystal, right? )

辰熙(不知道哎 应该吧)(I don't know. It should be.)

(不一会打工人就回来了)(After a while, the worker will come back)

打工人(这是一本圣祖级别的功法 这是一副神秘的地图)(This is a work of the Holy Father level. This is a mysterious map)

辰熙(你要那个?)(Do you want that? )

周墨枫(让我都看下行吗?)(Let me see it all, okay? )


周墨枫(这功法……百烈佛腿?这不适合女孩子修炼吧?)(This skill, Bai Lie Buddha legs? It's not for girls, is it? )

超级系统(确实,不过你要不要复制)Yes, but would you like to copy it

周墨枫(要,再看看地图)(Yes, look at the map again)

周墨枫(这……这是什么地图?)(This, What map is this? )

(地图上标了一个点不知道是什么东西)There's a dot on the map. I don't know what it is


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