周墨枫(确实,基本上都是圣人啊)(Indeed, basically all saints)
辰熙(你不是本地人?)(You are not a local? )
(你个小女孩走过来)(you little girl comes over)
周墨枫(嗯,怎么了)(Uh-huh, what's wrong?)
辰熙(能不能请你帮我一个忙)Could you do me a favor, please
周墨枫(什么?)What )
辰熙(我接了一个任务 可是任务目标变异了,我已经打不赢了)I took on a mission but the mission target mutated and i couldn't win
周墨枫(任务奖励呢?)(What about mission rewards? )
周墨枫(怎么分配?)(How to allocate? )
辰熙(任务奖励为止……至于分配 你要的你就拿吧,留下点东西给我就好了)(Task rewards, As for assigning what you want, just take it and leave something for me)
周墨枫(这样啊……变异灵兽……风险太大,任务奖励为知,好亏啊)(So, mutated spirit beast, The risk is too great, the task reward is known, good loss)
超级系统(为知奖励可能还有出乎意料的奖励哦)(There may be unexpected rewards for knowing rewards)
周墨枫(可恶的系统,你在诱惑我?)(Damn system, you are tempting me? )
周墨枫(行吧,我接受了,什么时候出发?)OK, I'll take it. When do you leave? )
辰熙(最好现在出发行吗?)(Is it best to release it now? )
周墨枫(也行,任务地点在哪?)(Also, where is the mission location? )
辰熙(城中心,巢湖)(City Center, Chaohu)
周墨枫(行吧赶紧赶路吧,半天应该能到)(OK, hurry up, you should be able to get there in half a day)
周墨枫(啊这……我老人家也就圣祖巅峰……找阿鲁来吧……)(Don't you need him? I sent him over)
(本章完Finish )