话本小说网 > 短篇小说 > 雅各布上校(英文)
本书标签: 短篇 



Oh my goodness, what a complete chaos! I'm Diana. Jacob, my husband, discovered that Mark, his secretary, had written down the fierce fight between us. He was outrageously furious!

He went crazy at Mark, shouting all kinds of insane words and using very bad language. "You stupid fool! How could you record our private argument? You have no right to do that!" he screamed as loudly as he could.

Mark just stood there, looking so dejected and remorseful. But Jacob was so enraged that he couldn't stop himself. He kept ranting, telling Mark how he had betrayed his trust and how he would pay for it. I knew Jacob was being overly harsh, but he was simply out of control with anger.

Mark tried to apologize, but Jacob wasn't in the mood to accept it. This was truly a nightmare. I never thought something like this could cause such a big commotion.

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