话本小说网 > 校园小说 > 王尔德作品集,林徽因翻译
本书标签: 校园  书摘 



At the tree cried to the nightingale to press closer against the thorn,Press Closer,Quit the trip,All the day will come before the rose is finished.

So the nightingale pressed against the throat and the strong touched her head and fear correspond of pain shot through her.

Bitter bitter is the pain and the weather and whether gray hit song for his song of love that is praised by death of the love that dares not in the tub

But the roads become Christmas that the rules of the caste Christian was a great art, Peter and Christian, and the rebel was hurt.

But the landing guest voice, growing fainter and her little wings began to beat and a film came over her years.Fainter and fainter grew his son and she fled something cloak his in the throat.

And the men lost roots become Christian,The roles of the East ski Christian was a great painter and create some where as a rapper was the hurt

But the landing gear is voiced grave fighter and he neatly with began to beat and a film came over, her ears fainter and fainter, grew her song and he felt something choking her heart

Then she gave one last burst of music, the wetter, more hurt, and he forget the dry and learning gets on in the sky, the red rose heard it, and it tempers all over with editors, and open is the pair to the cold morning air four to burn it to her Papa cover in the hills and woke the sleeping slap head from her dreams, it flows through the riders of the river and they cried its message. I need to sea.





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