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本书标签: 校园  中药  化学     



business: the important thing 重要的事

put SB. in touch with 接触到

philosophy 哲学

the fine arts 文艺,艺术

community:a group of people who share the same religion, race 一群(具有相同的背景、文化……的)人

the scientific community 科学家

president 主持

have no business doing sth.=have no right to do sth. 无权做某事

species 物种

-ize ……化

mechanize 使机械化

Neanderthal 原始人

inevitably 不可避免地

democracy 民主,民主国家

pursuit 职业;消遣;爱好


unaided: without help

There is not enough time in a single lifetime to invent for oneself everything one needs to know in order to be a civilized human.人生短暂,单个生命体不能凭一己之力,创造出,一个文明人所需要的一切,成为一个文明人


master scientists 一流科学家

the chances are that…有可能……

than +助动词(do,does,did,have,has,had)+主语:倒装

essentially: in essence 本质上

except as 除非

Shakespeare 莎士比亚

Books are man's peculiar accomplishment.

When you have read a book, you have added to your human experience. Read Homer and your mind includes a piece of Homer's mind.

literal 字面上的

accept A as B 把A当做B来接受

arrogantly 傲慢地

Einstein 爱因斯坦

you may be…, and you may be…

manslaughter 误杀,过失杀人罪

entity 实体

Student body 全体学生

faculty: the whole teaching staff全体教职员工

disasters:failures 失败的事或者人

employment agency 职业介绍所;猎头公司

Put it this way: express

soul 一类人

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