话本小说网 > 幻想小说 > 世纪末的歌者


1 foreshow. 2022-06-13

2 There s an earthquake. 2022-06-13

3 Brother s phone. 2022-06-14

4 Journal the Truth. 2022-06-17

5 School bullying. 2022-06-17

6 Help me again. 2022-06-18

7 Thank you for your company. 2022-06-27

8 番外—自创歌曲(暂只有词) 2022-06-27

9 A few years later. 2022-06-28

10 At the same school. 2022-07-02

11 Strange affection. 2022-07-04

12 主角动物化番外:Can t love you. 2022-07-04

13 Strange senior. 2022-07-06

14 回忆篇:When I was a kid. 2022-07-06

15 回忆篇:Maple leaves in autumn. 2022-07-06

16 回忆篇:White Roses. 2022-07-06

17 回忆篇:Cherry blossom love. 2022-07-07

18 回忆篇:The light that follows. 2022-07-08

19 回忆篇:Eternal Beauty. 2022-07-08

20 回忆篇:Contempt for love. 2022-07-09

21 回忆篇:Innocent Childhood. 2022-07-09

22 回忆篇完结:a flash in the pan. 2022-07-09

23 记录篇:Her Essay. 2022-07-10

24 纪录篇:bright light. 2022-07-11

25 纪录篇:orphans and widows. 2022-07-16

26 纪录篇完:Flying time. 2022-07-20

27 暂停更新!!! 2022-07-23

28 番外后续:To like you. 2022-07-26

29 We met for the first time? 2022-07-27

30 番外:begin well but end badly. 2022-07-30

31 Witness his confession. 2022-07-31

32 番外:don t can like you. 2022-08-03

33 Pretend to be happy. 2022-08-06

34 Virus Invasion. 2022-08-07

35 The virus is finally over. 2022-08-14

36 Suddenly disappeared. 2022-08-20

37 A short story of adulthood. 2022-08-23

38 A failed confession. 2022-08-27

39 Trying to forget you. 2022-08-29

40 重要通知! 2022-08-29



梳理一下后面即将会出现的一些英文啊。 I’m willing to play second fiddle and not tell anyone I love you.(我甘愿做配角瞒着所有人爱你) When the person I like doesn't like me and I like him.(当我喜欢的人不喜欢我而我又喜欢他的时候) After all, Dandelion Agreement, a blow on the scattered.(终究是蒲公英的约定,一吹就散) If only I had completely forgotten you when I was eighteen.(如果十八岁那一年我能彻底忘记你就好了) Wake up, everything back to the beginning, back to the beginning of the dream.(梦醒了,一切又回到了起点,回到了梦开始的地方) 备注:只有一句不是自己的之外其他都是自己原创的句子。这里的英文和翻译只提供参考,正确数据请找专业人士。因为字数的缘故下面找!




