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Breakfast places don't stay open until late at night. People who want to eat are already there. You already have the answer in your heart.

2. 有时候恋爱就是这样,当你满心欢喜计划着你们的未来时,对方却计划着怎么离开。其实没必要感到遗憾,不合适的人始终要分开。

Sometimes that's what relationships are like. While you're planning your future, your partner is planning how to leave. In fact, there is no need to feel sorry, the unsuitable people should always be separated.


Take off the shoes that don't fit, let go of the people who don't fit, and don't have to be humble in order to retain anyone. Anyway, how is life, you don't be afraid, there is always someone to stay up with you, rain to pick you up, say I love you, good is always at the bottom of the box.


Dear, don't wronged yourself, don't take the mistakes of others to punish yourself. Give yourself a day, cry loudly, be hysterical, vent as much as you can, then wake up tomorrow, dress up, and be sure to tell yourself to move on. If the heart to the sun, why fear sorrow.

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