1. 别神化弃你而去的人。
Don't deify the one who left you.
2. 无论谁离开了你,请你别忘了,他没来之前,你本就是一个人生活。
No matter who left you, please don't forget, he did not come before, you are a person life.
3. 如果忘了,就不重要,誓言往往只是一时的失言。
If forgotten, it is not important, oath is often just a slip of the tongue.
4. 他爱你的时候,你找蛛丝马迹证明他不爱你,他不爱了,你又要找零碎的回忆证明他爱你。
When he loves you, you find clues to prove that he does not love you, he does not love, you want to find fragmentary memories to prove that he loves you.
5. 很开心你能来,不遗憾你走开,不能相濡以沫,那就相忘于江湖,从此,一别两宽,各生欢喜。
I'm glad you can come, I'm not sorry you go away, can not help each other, then forget each other in the river's lake, from now on, a separate two wide, each happy.
6. 喜不喜欢,爱不爱,合不合适,在不在一起,住不住一块,有没有名分,过不过得下去,是七件事。
Whether you like it or not, whether you love it or not, whether it's suitable, whether you live together, whether you have a right to live together, whether you can't survive, are seven things.