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宋汐瑶43、生死看淡,不服就干。一言不合,上去就磕。 If you don't accept life and death, you will do it. If you don't have a word, you'll knock it up.

宋汐瑶44、因为年轻,所以就锋利得像一把匕首,爱恨分明。 Because young, so sharp as a dagger, love hate clearly.

宋汐瑶45、别抱怨了,大家都很累,没谁能活得顺风顺水。 Don't complain, everyone is very tired, no one can live smoothly.

宋汐瑶46、从前只觉得自己不够好,后来才发现是你没有眼光。 In the past, I only felt that I was not good enough, and then I found out that you had no vision.

宋汐瑶47、我就喜欢你不喜欢我,偏偏又干不掉我的样子。 I like the way you don't like me, but I can't do it.

宋汐瑶48、人生是很累的,你现在不累,以后就会更累。 Life is very tired. If you are not tired now, you will be more tired later.

宋汐瑶49、所有的光鲜亮丽,都敌不过时间并且一去不复返。 All the brilliance can't match the time and will never return.

宋汐瑶50、梦里的江湖,百花齐放,人来人往,繁华似锦。 The dream of the lake, flowers bloom, people come and go, prosperous like brocade.

宋汐瑶51、做你该做的事就好,不必预支明天的烦恼。 Just do what you have to do, and don't have to pay for tomorrow's troubles.

宋汐瑶52、我不会傻的等着被你伤,也不会贱的等着你说爱。 I will not be silly waiting to be hurt by you, also will not be cheap waiting for you to say love.

宋汐瑶53、总有一个人,一直住在心里,却告别在生活里。 There is always a person who always lives in the heart, but says goodbye to life.

宋汐瑶54、因为我想赢,所以你得输,整不好你还得哭。 Because I want to win, so you have to lose. Maybe you have to cry.

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