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宋汐瑶32、不要八卦别人的二手生活,认真过好自我的一手人生。 Don't gossip about other people's second-hand life, and live a good life of yourself.

宋汐瑶33、你要努力成为对的人,而不是等着遇见对的人。 Try to be the right person instead of waiting to meet the right person.

宋汐瑶34、我不是天生的王者,但我骨子里流着不服输的血液。 I'm not born to be king, but I have blood flowing in my bones.

宋汐瑶35、记住你今天给我的伤,日后我定加倍还给你。 Remember the injury you gave me today, I will double it to you in the future.

宋汐瑶36、风吹散的情话终究沙哑,已经走远的人不爱也罢。 The love words scattered by the wind are hoarse after all, and those who have gone far do not love it.

宋汐瑶37、多年后嫁得如意郎君,感谢你当年不娶之恩。 Many years later, I got married. Thank you for not marrying.

宋汐瑶38、倔强的我看着你和她幸福的走,能做的只有祝福。 Stubborn I look at you and her happy walk, can do only blessing.

宋汐瑶39、不是话少,只是没必要,每个人都说说笑笑。 It's not a little talk. It's just unnecessary. Everyone talks and laughs.

宋汐瑶40、握不住的沙不如扬了它,养不熟的狗不如炖了它。 If you can't hold the sand, you'd better raise it. If you don't have a good dog, you'd better stew it.

宋汐瑶41、有棱有角的害处是,别人啃起你来十分方便。 The harm of being angular is that it is very convenient for others to nibble on you.

宋汐瑶42、上辈子一定居无定所,这辈子才会宅的这么厉害。 Last life must have no fixed place, this life will house so powerful.

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