“你讨厌父母没有给你一个值得回忆的童年 却没想过他们的童年比你还糟 他们给你的已经是最好的”
“上课听不进去 走神想到了什么就突然好烦好委屈 红了眼眶又偷偷把眼泪憋回去 反反复复每天都是这样度过”
“我深知自己太普通了 所以我时常自信 时常自卑 时常再想 什么样的人才会带着真诚来到我身边”
“我连生气都会笑场 崩溃都会考虑别人的感受 聊天的时候表情包都会挑半天 生怕说错话让对方感到不不舒服 可我的懂事并没有让我好过一些”
my clothes grow daily more loose, yet care I not. for you am I thus wasting away in sorrow and pain
众里寻他千百度 蓦然回首 那人却在 灯火阑珊处
When I look back, the man is in the dim light
Under the moon, flying mirrors, clouds grow and form a sea tower
Most novels are fictional, but they have the shadow of life
My eyes are very small. Sometimes when I have something on my mind, I can't even hold two lines of tears
May the merciful mother of the earth have peace with her soul forever
I'd like to ride the wind to fly home. Yet I fear the crystal and jade mansions are much too high and cold for me
His heart is already hot because he hasn't touched his lips with wine
两情若是长久时 又岂在朝朝暮暮.
If the two love each other for a long time, it won't be day and night.