I deleted our chat records, not empty them, but delete them one by one
往后不要再见 我怕失了体面
Don't see me again. I'm afraid I'll lose my dignity
Sad does not seek to be comforted, just quiet
No matter how good the fate can not stand perfunctory, no matter how deep the feelings also need to cherish
In this era of love with the wind, I want to take my time with him
如果雪山能看见 如果命运能预知 如果时光能倒退 如果岁月能重来 如果有如果 他会不会毫不犹豫的回头来找我
If snow mountain can see, if fate can predict, if time can go back, if time can come back, if there is, will he come back to me without hesitation
骆驼在沙漠痛哭 鲸鱼不幸患了抑郁不快乐的人类在陆地跳舞 长颈鹿说他想喝酒 夜深了 无数颗未见过的星星说要放弃我
Camels cry in the desert, whales suffer from depression and unhappiness, humans dance on the land, giraffes say that he wants to drink, and countless unseen stars say that he will give up on me at night
如果一个男孩子对你特别特别好的话 别激动 那是他最爱的女孩子教的
If a boy is especially kind to you, don't get excited. It's taught by his favorite girl
再好的缘份也经不起敷衍 再深的感情也需要珍惜 这个世上没有绝对的傻瓜 只有愿意为你装傻和愿意原谅你的人
No matter how good the fate can't stand perfunctory, no matter how deep the feelings also need to cherish. There is no absolute fool in this world, only those who are willing to pretend and forgive you
Start over, not start over.