姜家护卫更是使出了4人杀招,才把c阶凶兽给杀死,但是姜家护卫的云气也消耗的差不多了Jiang's guards killed the C-order fierce beasts only after four people killed them, but the clouds of Jiang's guards consumed almost the same.
伪明(来人!把姜家护卫送回,城里去,,剩下的就交给我们了,!冲啊!)(come! Send Jiang's home guard back to the city and leave the rest to us! Go! )
(凶兽们没了首领自然是落荒而逃,伪明城主果断派人击杀到处逃窜的凶兽)(Fierce beasts are naturally defeated and flee without their leaders, and the Duke of Puppet Ming decisively sends people to kill fierce beasts fleeing everywhere.)
(叶辰安听着外面越来越小的打斗声和越撸越大的欢呼声,叶辰安真的银城守住了兽潮)(Ye Chenan listened to the smaller and smaller struggle and the louder cheers outside, and Ye Chenan really guarded the beast tide in Yincheng).
叶辰安)哈哈……真没想到一个不大不小的城竟然可以防御下兽潮看来这地方不简单啊) Ha ha ... I didn't know that a modest city could defend against the beast tide. It seems that this place is not simple.
此时的城主府内,因为击退的兽潮,当然要庆祝庆祝At this time, in the castellan's mansion, because of the repelling beast tide, of course, we should celebrate.
姜琳(城主,我要走了去龙城参加大朝会)(Lord, I'm going to Liuzhou to attend the Great Dynasty Meeting.)
伪明(好嘞好嘞,小姐慢走,一路平安。)(OK, OK, Miss, walk slowly and have a safe trip. )
姜家卫士好了小姐快走吧,在不走的话就要迟到了All right, miss, go quickly. If you don't go, you'll be late.