叶辰安(抓紧修炼把佛光修炼到第三层不然前几层完全就是装逼用的啊,根本没用)(pay close attention to cultivation and cultivate Buddha's light to the third floor, otherwise the first few floors will be used for pretence, which is useless at all).
叶辰安(系统真坑爹啊,不都是一个帮助宿主直接修炼完成的吗,为什么还要我自己修炼)(The system is really a trick, isn't it all done by helping the host practice directly? Why should I practice myself?)
抽奖系统关我屁事,你不就天天懒吗,你个懒逼It's none of my business. Aren't you lazy every day, you lazy bastard?
(轰隆~一声,把整个银城都颤抖了原来是姜家护卫和那凶兽打起来了,那些姜家护卫修炼没有凶兽高,也就靠着人多才能和那凶兽勉勉强强打一打)(Boom ~ 1, shaking the whole silver city. It turned out that Jiang's guards fought with the fierce beast. Those Jiang's guards were not as tall as the fierce beast, so they could barely fight with the fierce beast by relying on many people.).
叶辰安打算自己没有修炼功法之前还是老老实实苟着吧,被别人发现自己会化龙就要死翘翘了Ye Chen Ann is going to live honestly before she has no uniting achievement method. When others find out that she can turn dragons, she will die.
姜家卫士(来吧!烈火天炎镇!把这个该死的c阶凶兽个烧死!)(come on! Fire town! Burn this damned C-order beast! )
(此时外面越打越猛,凶兽和士兵身上都一有大大小小的伤)(at this time, the fighting is getting more and more fierce outside, and both fierce beasts and soldiers have injuries of all sizes.).