话本小说网 > 动漫同人小说 > Transformers:OnceuponaTime
本书标签: 动漫同人  二次元  英文小说     

Glutton for punishment(3)


It must be Megatron, for no one else had the priority or the audacity to visit the most eerie officer on board.

Soundwave tried to support himself up from the berth to properly salute his Lord but failed because Megatron stalked swiftly towards the berth and stopped his movement by placing a servo on his shoulder.

The telepath allowed himself to lie back down on the berth along with the gentle push given by the larger mech. That would be a caring and protective gesture if the mech was not Megatron.

Why did he come here? With what intention? Soundwave wanted to ask, so his visor illuminated with an image of a question mark.

His Lord had never purposely guarded his thoughts or blocked the telepath out of his processor, but Soundwave always determined to show his reverence to Megatron.

However, at this moment the telepath couldn’t gather enough strength to completely turn off his default function and might accidentally read his lord’s processor. Well he would try his best not to.

Megatron understood that question mark and said, “I come here to check you Soundwave, tell me if you are okay.”

Soundwave was not sure what to report, so he just gave Megatron a simple nod. And then, another question mark showed on his visor.

He wanted to ask if his mistake was really severe enough to warrant the punishment directly from the Leader of Decepticon. But he wouldn’t dare, to question his lord’s judgment.

He felt frustrated and upset, even a bit worried and afraid if he honestly admitted to himself.

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