20. 。 it was the last place anyone in their right minds would go. P.124 脑袋正常的人一般是不会去那个鬼地方的。
21. I never thought I'd see the day when you'd be persuading us to break rule. P. 125. 我从来没想到有一天你会劝我们违反校规。22. The air was suddenly thick with rumour and suspicion. P. 125 空气中突然弥漫着谣言和怀疑。
23. This is out of my hands. P.152 这不归我管。24. Rather sensible to stop now, before I came down hard on them. P.176 现在停止非常明智,以免我对他们不客气。
25. Play to your strengths, Harry. P.187 哈利,发挥你的优势。26. Harry and Ron lagged behind the others so they could talk out of earshot. P.199 哈利和Ron故意落到别人后面,以便他们的谈话别人听不见。
27. "OK," Ron sighed, as though resigned to the worst, "I'm ready. Let's go." P.207 “好吧”,Ron叹道,好像做好了最坏的打算,“我准备好了,走吧。”28. The darkness seemed to be pressing on their eyeballs as they stood, terrified, waiting. P.203 他们站在那儿,在惊恐中等待着,黑暗似乎直逼眼球。
29. Harry thought of getting to his feet, but decided against it; he didn't think his legs would support him. P.205 哈利想站起来,但是又打消了这个念头,他想他那两条腿肯定是站不稳的。30. Harry didn't want to press the subject, not with the spiders pressing closer on all sides. P.206 Harry不想再追问这个问题,因为无数的蜘蛛正从四面八方逼近。
31. I walked in on them kissing in an empty classroom on day. P.250 有一天我撞见他们两个在空教室里接吻。