系统(那就请宿主加油咯,早日吧杀人组织给一网打尽)(Then please cheer the host, and let the killing organization catch the gang at an early date.)
凌枫(许褚典韦都出来吧,给你们提示提升实力)(Xu Chu, Dian Wei, come out and give you tips to improve your strength.)
(凌枫拿出武灵升级卡个所以武灵升了一个遍)(Ling Feng took out Wu Ling upgrade card, so Wu Ling rose once.)
许褚(谢谢主公)(thank you, master)
典韦(嘿哈哈哈,实力变强了许多啊,希望有个实力强的人来打一架)(Hey, ha, ha, ha, the strength has increased a lot. I hope someone with strong strength will fight.)
凌枫(行了别说了,有正事要干了,这个杀人组织一定要把他们一网打尽,可惜现在什么情报都没有……)(come on, don't say it, there's business to do, this killing organization must catch them all, but now there's no intelligence at all …).
(铃铃铃~凌枫的手机突然向了)(Rinrin bell ~ Ling Feng's cell phone suddenly arrives)
凌枫(喂?什么事?)(Hello? what's up )
龙鹏(凌枫,收到情报了,杀人组织正在南海岸运送毒品……你赶紧来,我已经在路上了)(Ling Feng, I received the information. The killing organization is transporting drugs on the south coast ... You should come quickly. I am already on my way.).
凌枫(呦呵……说情报情报就到?,五爪金龙!走吧,我们飞过去)(yo-ho ..... said intelligence intelligence? , golden dragon with five claws! Come on, let's fly over.)
(凌枫踩在了五爪金龙的背上,腾空而起,快速向南海岸靠近)(Ling Feng stepped on the back of Golden Dragon with Five Claws, took off and quickly approached the south coast.)