凌枫(典韦,许褚,把他们清理干净了!)(Dian Wei, Xu Chu, clean them up! )
许褚(末将领命!)(at the end of the general life! )
(许褚典韦2位跳到尸婴中心挥动武器,尸婴死的死伤的伤,但是拿武将们还没有办法)(Xu Chu, Dian Wei, two people jumped to the center of the corpse and waved weapons, and the corpse and baby died and suffered injuries, but there was no way to take the military commanders.)
向阳(我靠,凌枫,这些bt你哪里找来的)(Damn it, Ling Feng, where did you find these bt's?)
不重要的路人甲(快看,那2个人好厉害……)(快看,那2个人好厉害……)(Look, those two are so fierce ...)
躲在角落里的的4人!瑟瑟发抖看着典韦和许褚Four people hiding in the corner! Trembling at Dian Wei and Xu Chu.
(没一会尸婴被处理干净了,凌枫拿到了6把钥匙)(After a while, the corpse was cleaned up, and Ling Feng got six keys.)
凌枫(还有4个人呢?不打算出来吗?)(there are four people? Aren't you going out? )
不重要的路人甲(大哥,别杀我们,我们出来了)(eldest brother, don't kill us, we are out)
(2男2男从傍边的角落出来)(2 men and 2 men come out from the side corner)
凌枫(钥匙拿去,赶紧滚)Take the keys and get out of here.
凌枫(向阳,你说的神秘人怎么还没来?)(Xiangyang, why hasn't the mysterious man you said come yet? )
向阳(来了。)(coming. )
(几名声披着黑色大衣,面貌看不清,好像根本就没有脸一样)(Some famous people are wearing black coats and can't see their faces clearly, as if they don't have faces at all.)
凌枫(火焰精灵!跟上他们!)(Fire Elf! Follow them! )