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本书标签: 都市  男主无敌  系统流     



(向阳身后一只想小孩的怪物被典韦一戟戳死)(A monster who only wants children behind Xiangyang was stabbed to death by a halberd of Dian Wei)

向阳(等等,这次的任务就是尸婴里的钥匙……)(and so on, this task is the key in the corpse baby ...).

凌枫(靠,tmd真的BT啊,向阳,你玩过几次任务了?)(Depend, tmd really BT, Xiangyang, how many times have you played the task? )

向阳(2次,不过都没有这次疯狂啊……对了,还有雷媛媛他发现了一个游戏的bug,只要游戏开始之后,进来的人就不会被游戏限制,而且可以帮助别人完成任务)(twice, but none of them are crazy this time ... by the way, there is Lei Yuanyuan, who discovered a bug in the game. Once the game starts, people who come in will not be restricted by the game, and they can help others complete their tasks.)

凌枫(嗯,他那么激灵的人,还不发现的什么还真不正常)(Well, he's so exciting, what he hasn't found is really abnormal.)

凌枫(这个尸婴里没有钥匙……怎么说还有更多尸婴咯?)(There is no key in this corpse baby ... How do you say there are more corpses babies? )

向阳(凌枫,……你快看)(Ling Feng, ... Look)

(凌枫向楼下看去学校广场上密密麻麻全是尸婴)(LingFeng looked downstairs and the school square was full of dead babies.)

向阳(这次任务不会就是让我们死在这里吧?参加任务的人加上你一共就6个,要对付这么多尸婴。这怎么可能)(the mission is not to let us die here? There are only six people on the mission plus you, so there are so many dead babies to deal with. How is this possible)

凌枫(这么多尸婴……他是怎么得到的?难不成他还能控制尸体?)(So many dead babies ... How did he get it? Maybe he can control the body? )

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