凌枫(算了,我亲自去把他们一网打尽,不是说要留活口吗?我就留一个活口)(come on, I'll catch them all myself, not to say that I want to leave them alive? I'll leave one alive)
罪城通缉犯赶紧走换地方,老5被抓了,该死的一个臭学生怎么会有枪?Hurry and change places. Old Five has been caught. How can a damn smelly student have a gun?
罪城通缉犯(老5他也是活该,他没事跑到学校去干嘛?活太久了,是吧?)(Old 5) He deserved it, too. Why did he run to school when he had nothing to do? Too long to live, isn't it? )
(4名通缉犯急匆匆的转移到别处去,但是一头冒着火焰的精灵在正大光明的跟着他们)(The four wanted criminals hurriedly moved to other places, but a flaming elf followed them fair and square.)
火焰精灵(反正除了老大,谁都看不见我我怕个der)Anyway, no one can see me except the boss. I'm afraid of a der
(凌枫这边在龙组已经开了半个小时的会了)(Lingfeng's meeting here in Dragon Group has been held for half an hour.)
凌枫(这比上学还枯燥,那什么伞兵老大,又要我们全力捕抓通缉犯又要抓青云宗宗主,我寻思着我们也没有分身术啊.)(It's more boring than going to school, so what paratroopers boss wants us to do our best to catch the wanted criminals and the patriarch of Qingyun Sect, and I think we don't have any separation.)
龙鹏(切……你不是会分身术吗,行了,走一步看一步吧,2个任务,谁有线索,先做哪个。)(Cut ... Don't you know how to separate? Come on, let's take it one step at a time. Two tasks. Whoever has clues, which one to do first. )
凌枫(我已经派人跟着通缉犯了,他们做不了事,先抓青云宗宗主吧,还有他的变异手下)(I've sent people to follow the wanted criminals. They can't do anything. Let's catch the patriarch of Qingyun first, and his mutant men.)