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本书标签: 都市  男主无敌  系统流     



凌枫(永远单身是什么鬼啊……真有你的)(What the hell is being single forever ... It's really good for you)

罪城通缉犯(那边那个人,你在笑什么?tmd老子很好笑吗?)(that man over there, what are you laughing at? Tmd, is it funny? )

凌枫(放人,我就说一遍,放人!)(release, I will say it again, release! )

罪城通缉犯(nmbd我就不放,你能拿我怎么样?)I won't let go of nmbd, what can you do with me? )

凌枫(好,你有种)(OK, you have seed)

(凌枫摸出一把手枪,基础功法,精准打击!)(LingFeng touch a pistol, basic achievement method, precision strike! )


龙鹏(多亏你了,一枪打死这个人渣才对嘛,真搞不懂上级一群傻狗,非要抓活的)(thanks to you, it's right to kill this scum with one gun. I really don't understand that a group of stupid dogs at their superiors have to catch them alive.)

凌枫(怎么了?)(What's the matter? )

龙鹏(上级非要活的,然后2名队员就死了,今天要是没你的话,估计又要死几个)(The superior has to live, and then two players will die. If there is no you today, it is estimated that several people will die.)

凌枫(还没结束呢,2千米之外有人在看我们,)(It's not over yet, someone is watching us 2 kilometers away.)

龙鹏(你可以把他抓回来吗?)(Can you bring him back? )

凌枫(不行,我们一离开他们就会跑了)No, they will run away as soon as we leave.

龙鹏(行吧,先回龙组)(OK, go to Huilong Group first)

凌枫(火焰精灵,跟着他们……别放跑了)(Fire Elf, follow them ... Don't let go)

火焰精灵(哦,要不要我把他们全烧了,反正他们看不见我,直接全烧了吧,还省事)(Oh, do you want me to burn them all, anyway, they can't see me, just burn them all, and save trouble)

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