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李美诗(快点吧,磨磨唧唧的干什么,大鹏鸟?)(come on, what are you doing, Dapeng bird? )

凌枫(……他怎么知道的?)(……他怎么知道的?)(..... How did he know? )

李美诗行了,出任务注意安全,走吧赶紧滚All right, pay attention to safety when you go on a mission. Let's go and get out

凌枫(啧啧啧……看来老师也不简单嘛)(tut tut ... it seems that the teacher is not simple)

(凌枫离开校门前往龙组基地)(Ling Feng leaves the school gate for Longzu Base)

龙鹏都准备好了吗?岛上至少好几百人,都是精锐,我们这次恐怕凶多吉少咯Is everything ready? There are at least hundreds of people on the island, all of whom are elite. I'm afraid we're going to run this time

龙九(不是龙组还会派别的部门的人来吗?)(isn't the dragon group still coming from the departments of the factions? )

龙鹏(屁……要他们干嘛?当炮灰?)(fart ..... want them to do? As cannon fodder? )

凌枫(我来了……准备走了吧?)(I'm coming ... ready to go? )

龙鹏(准备出发!)(get ready to go! )

凌枫(典韦,眧狩,五爪金龙都是世界顶级高手……应该没问题了,可惜了,我准备自己玩玩)(Dian Wei, Sui Shou, and Golden Dragon with Five Claws are the world's top masters ... It should be no problem, but unfortunately, I am going to play by myself.)

典韦(主公,不带这样的,虽然你们很弱,但是我们实在是太无聊了……(master, don't take this, although you are weak, but we are too boring ...

凌枫(我不管,我玩完了再把你们放出来)I don't care. I'll let you out when I'm done.

眧狩(真可恶……我要谋权篡位!)(Damn it ..... I want to usurp the throne! )

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