凌枫喂,什么事Hello, what is it
龙鹏(有时间吗,有任务了,去一座孤岛上面,应该要个3天吧,)(Do you have time? I have a mission. It should take three days to go to an isolated island.)
凌枫(任务该要?)(the task should be? )
龙鹏江南市风家出了一个叛徒……带着一些机密准备去国外……我们的任务就是把机密追回来Jiangnan city wind home out of a traitor ... With some secrets ready to go abroad ... Our task is to get the secrets back
凌枫(把叛徒照片发过来,我看看再给你回复)Send me photos of traitors, and I'll give you a reply after reading them.
系统(系统任务:接受任务并完成:任务奖励:武卫将军,许褚!和典韦一起战斗战力翻倍)(系统任务:接受任务并完成:任务奖励:武卫将军,许褚!和典韦一起战斗战力翻倍)(System task: accept the task and complete it: Task reward: General Wu Wei, Xu Chu! Fighting with Dian Wei doubled)
系统(任务2:接受任务未完成:灵珠,可快速回复体力)(Task 2: unfinished task: Lingzhu, which can quickly restore physical strength)
凌枫(呵呵,整挺好……龙鹏,任务我接受,我马上去)(Ha ha, the whole is quite good ... Long Peng, I accept the task, I'll go right away)
龙鹏(好,龙组基地等你)(OK, Long Group Base is waiting for you)
(凌枫来到灭绝师太李美诗的办公室,准备请假)(Ling Feng came to the office of Teacher Li Meishi, ready to ask for leave)
李美诗(什么事?)(What is it? )
凌枫(老师,我想请个假)(teacher, I want to take a vacation)
李美诗(行,我批了,几天)(OK, I approved it for a few days)
凌枫(?这么简单,你不对劲……灭绝师太不是不轻易让人请假的嘛?)(?这么简单,你不对劲……灭绝师太不是不轻易让人请假的嘛?)(? It's as simple as that, something is wrong with you ... Isn't it not easy for Master Extinction to ask for leave? )