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本书标签: 小说同人 




As the saying goes, it's better to compete with others than with fools

次次认真 次次教训 次次动摇 次次心软 次次委屈 次次不甘 次次难过 次次心疼 次次活该 不知好歹

Time and again serious, time and again lessons, time and again shaken, time and again softhearted, time and again wronged, time and again unwilling, time and again sad, time and again distressed, time and again deserved, do not know good or bad

有句话说得好 你永远也叫不醒一个装睡的人.

As the saying goes, you can never wake a man who pretends to sleep

再过几天 时间已到 卷子一交 在正常的一生老师再见 你会发现 我们就成为老师口中的上一届学生了。

In a few days, as soon as the paper is handed in, and then in a normal life, goodbye to the teacher, you will find that we have become the last class of students in the teacher's mouth


I don't know when, our chat times seem to be less and less, and gradually there is no topic, even silent without a few words, but why can't we think about each other? Only strangers can talk. But why can't we think about each other? Only strangers have endless topics to talk about, and their intimate people have a lot of difficult words to say. Seriously, I really like you, and I'm afraid of losing you one day. I believe that no one or anything is more serious than me when it comes to liking you. I hope that no matter how long we are together, we can treat this relationship well and finally meet you. I really don't want to miss it again, you know? I really want to be your most important person. I really want to have a long future with you, believe me, I really love you!


I am aggrieved, I am crying, I am collapsing, I am making a long speech, I am writing a small paper, and I am being betrayed. Why am I still here?


It was founded by the empress of the earth in the legend of Honghuang. In fact, Mengpo was transformed from the three corpses of Houtu, so this person should be a human being reincarnated by Houtu Niang, who changed her name to Pingxin Niang after deepening into six paths of reincarnation


The reason why the fountain is beautiful is because it has pressure, the reason why the waterfall is spectacular is because it has no way out, the reason why it can wear the stone is because it always insists on your desperate appearance, maybe some embarrassed, but you look really beautiful on your own!


Dripping wears through stone is not only the insistence of dripping, but also the fact that stone never leaves

上一章 孙悟空 英语课代表y最新章节 下一章 12星座天秤