对啊,神?不过就是拥有凡人所没有的力量而已。可笑真是可笑 ! 哈哈哈
Yes, God is nothing but having the power that ordinary people don't have. It's ridiculous. It's ridiculous. Ha ha ha
佛?何为佛?可笑! 哈哈哈
What is Buddha? What is Buddha? Ha ha ha ha ha
From the stone monkey to the monkey king, to the monkey king, to the great sage of heaven, to the sunwalker, and finally to the fight to defeat the Buddha, it's just because I have experienced too many things that I don't see the face of the world
Only know flowers and fruits Qi Tian Sheng, do not know Lingshan fight Buddha
Because the fight to win the Buddha no longer ask the mundane world
If I become a Buddha, there is no magic in the world. If I abandon love, how can I be happy?
Put down the butcher's knife and become a Buddha. If I become a devil, what can Buddha do for me?