“You know what? Our school is going to exchange studies with other schools!”
朱志鑫摇了摇头,说:“I hope it's not me.”Cassiel低声尖叫起来:“God, what a learning opportunity!”朱志鑫平淡的喝了一口汤,说:“Then you go.”Cassiel低落极了,说:“The teacher said that I was hopeless in the exam selection.”
Cassiel说:“I think you should go.”朱志鑫笑了笑,问:“Why?”Cassiel激动的说:“There is also a Chinese in that school!”朱志鑫顿了一下,问:“What's his last name?”Cassiel想了想,不好意思的说:“Forget.”
“I want to go.”
Cassiel嘟囔道:“Strange people.”
“Are you Zhu Zhixin?”
那个人露出明媚的笑容,说:“My name is Aiden,I'll be classmates in the next six months.”朱志鑫露出友好的笑容:“Nice to meet you,but I have a small problem.”Aiden耐心的说:“What's up?”朱志鑫迫不及待的问:“Is there a Chinese in your school?”Aiden爽朗的一笑,道:“Of course.”
“What's his name?”
“Su Xinhao.”
气氛不太对,朱志鑫低下了头,Aiden担忧的问:“Are you all right?”朱志鑫抬起头,眼眶红了,努力挤出了一个微笑,哽咽的说:“It's okay, it's just... I'm so excited.”
朱志鑫擦了擦眼泪,问:“Where is he?”Aiden看了看手表,说:“Now... Should be in class.”看朱志鑫哭了,Aiden也不太好受,说:“North teaching building, the third floor, the fifth ladder classroom.”