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周墨枫(呦呵,这人类的新武器还不错呀,要不新基地就装这玩意吧。)(yo-ho, this new human weapon is not bad, so let's install it in the new base. )

(周墨枫一遍说一遍杀怪物 只到怪物感觉到不对劲啊,一个人类怎么这么强,纷纷落荒而逃了。)(Zhou Mofeng said over and over again that killing monsters only felt something was wrong. How could a human being be so strong that he fled in succession. )

周墨枫(唉……跑什么啊我有那么可怕吗?)(alas ..... run what ah I have so terrible? )

(如果怪物知道周墨枫想的什么的话肯定要破口大骂了,)(If the monster knew what Zhou Mofeng was thinking, he would swear.)

系统(你自己多强自己心里没b数吗?)How strong are you? Don't you have a B number in your heart? )

周墨枫(好家伙,去军队一趟吧,这新基地应该没事,)(Boy, go to the army. This new base should be fine.)

(周墨枫去军队基地的路上都很轻松,好像这些怪物故意躲着周墨枫一样)(Zhou Mofeng is very relaxed on his way to the military base, as if these monsters deliberately hide from Zhou Mofeng)

尸王(怎么样了?图书馆没事吧?)(How's it going? Is the library all right? )

黑鬼(没事,现在的怪物都不是我们的对手,但是好像还有一些比较有高级怪物还没有出现啊)(that's ok, monsters are no match for us now, but it seems that there are still some advanced monsters that haven't appeared yet.)

尸王(追杀他们!这种怪物不能留下来!)(after them! This monster can't stay! )

尸.炎黄一队(怎么样了,这怪物突破不了,我们能不能出去杀他们?)(What happened, this monster can't break through, can we go out and kill them? )

本章完End of this chapter

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