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周墨枫(好嘞,各位,各司其职去吧,尸王的事情碰上再说)(OK, ladies and gentlemen, do your job, and we'll talk about the king of corpses.)

(几人都该干什么干什么去了,)(a few people should do what they want to do.)

周墨枫(呼……看来要干的事情还是挺多的老大也不是那么好当的啊)(Shout ... It seems that there are still a lot of things to do, and the boss is not so good.)

饕鬄老大,我日观天象(那个空间裂缝今天应该要彻底开了,这里是没什么问题,但是新拒地还没有什么防护措施啊)Boss, I watch the sky day by day (that space crack should be completely opened today, there is no problem here, but there are no protective measures in the new land)

周墨枫(行吧每天我亲自过去随便试试我现在的战斗力)(OK, every day I go in person and try my present fighting capacity casually)

饕鬄行,我出去玩玩,看看空间裂缝里的异性到底有什么能耐OK, I'll go out to play and see what the opposite sex in the space crack can do

(半晚!空间裂缝彻底开启,无数异形冲出空间裂缝,只到半个小时后空间裂缝才关闭)(half a night! The space crack was completely opened, and countless aliens rushed out of the space crack, and the space crack only closed after half an hour)

周墨枫(走吧,去新庇护所玩玩)(Let's go and play in the new shelter)

(城市里,野外的幸存者都受到了异形的攻击,都是死的死,伤的伤,至于军队还没收到攻击,异形也闯不破人类的新武器)(in the city, the survivors in the wild are all attacked by aliens, all of whom are dead and wounded. As for the army, they have not received the attack, and aliens can't break the new weapons of mankind.)

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