8. “你偷学了那么多撩的技能,当真遇到心动的那个人的时候,全都哑壳,撩的都是不喜欢的,喜欢的都是小心翼翼的。”
8. "You have stolen so many embarrassing skills. When you really meet the person who is heart-warming, all of them are dumb, and they don't like it. They like it carefully."
9. “请再悄悄加点油,无论如何都想听你说,我终于成为不负众望的人了。”
9. "Please add some oil quietly. I want to hear from you anyway. I finally became a person who lived up to expectations."
10. “我什么都没有忘 但是有些事只适合收藏 不能说 也不能想 却又不能放”
10. "I haven't forgotten anything, but there are some things that are only suitable for collection. I can't say, can't think, but can't let go."
11. “我睡了一下午,醒的时候屋子里黑漆漆,一点声音都没有,抬头望了望窗外,天还没没完全黑,四处摸了摸,在枕头下找到手机,开机后屏幕亮起,干净,没有一条信息。””
11. "I slept for an afternoon. When I woke up, the room was dark and there was no sound at all. I looked up at the window. It was still dark. I touched around and found my mobile phone under my pillow. After turning it on, the screen lit up. Clean, without a message." "
12. "We will reunite, no matter what it looks like."
The most wonderful thing in the world is this. At the age of inexperience, the whole expectation for life is the gorgeous ideal itself.
There is a fire in everyone's heart, and people passing by only see smoke.