话本小说网 > 明星同人小说 > 张艺兴:唯你不可
本书标签: 明星同人  偶练  李知恩 




金智秀王一博?Wang Yibo?

王一博It's me, jisoo(是我,jisoo)

金智秀What a coincidence. Are you teaching?(好巧啊,你在授课吗?)

王一博Yes, I'm showing them.是的,我在带她们凹动作

金智秀Then I'll go to class F first and come back to class d later那我先去F班,等会再来D班



金智秀hello everyone!


金智秀Girls, stand in line. I'll check the progress.女孩们,站好队列,我来抽查进度了


金智秀Let me make a comment first. When I came here, I was practicing very hard. It was good, but the atmosphere of the whole classroom was solidified. As soon as I came in, I was in a bad mood. When I just saw you jump, I couldn't feel a little emotion. It was too low. I couldn't feel a rising trend那我先做一下评价吧,我来的时候,都在很用心的练习,也不错,但是整个教室的气氛凝固,一走进来,心情就不好了,刚刚看你们跳的时候,我感受不到一点情绪,太低沉了,我感受不到一个冉冉升起

金智秀The stars should have emotions and mental outlook. This is your biggest disadvantage. At the same time, your class still has the phenomenon of rowing. I won't name who it is. I hope I won't encounter it next time.的星星,该有的情绪,该有的精神面貌,这是你们最大的缺点,同时,你们班还有划水的现象啊,是谁我就不点名说了,希望下次不会被我碰到

金智秀At the same time, you have great shortcomings in both singing and dancing. This is the problem I can solve next. Now, I teach singing one sentence at a time, teach it twice, and then sing it twice. I point out the deficiency, that is, picking up the dance. Finally, singing and dancing together. Today, my class in class F ended perfectly. I hope some people don't laugh and get serious,同时,你们无论是歌声还是舞蹈部分都有很大的缺点,这就是接下来,我能要解决的问题,现在,我一句一句教唱,教两遍,后面再合唱两遍,我指出不足,就是抠舞蹈,最后,歌声和舞蹈连起来一遍,今天我在F班的课程就完美收工。希望一些人不要嘻嘻哈哈的,严肃起来,

上一章 第七章:指導 张艺兴:唯你不可最新章节 下一章 第九章:Analytical rationality