超级系统(宿主你真的亏了)(Host, you really lost)
周墨枫(算了,我又不是卑鄙小人)Forget it, I'm not a scumbag
周墨枫(就这样吧)(That's it.)
(周墨枫拿着无数星陨石回到魔族)(Zhou Mofeng returned to the Mozu with countless star meteorites)
周墨枫(各位昂,我们要搬家了)(Guys, we're moving.)
阿鲁(老大怎么了?)(What happened to the boss? )
(周墨枫把事情告诉阿鲁)(Zhou Mofeng tells Aru about things)
阿鲁(可以是可以但是……老大你过来一下)(It can be, but, Boss, come here for a second)
周墨枫(怎么了What's up? )
(阿鲁走了一段路之后)(After Aru walked for a while)
阿鲁(这个是我们魔族的信物,老大,你可以拿出来吗?)(This is the token of our Mozu, boss, can you take it out? )
周墨枫(好家伙的,拿出来了你们就可以走了?)(Good guy, take it out and you can go? )
阿鲁(嗯,这个可不能丢)(Well, you can't lose this)
阿鲁(我们都搬不动这个……) (none of us can move this,)
周墨枫(行吧,我来试试)(OK, I'll try)
(周墨枫用力一抬石头丝毫不动)(Zhou Mofeng lifted the stone hard and did not move at all)
周墨枫(哎呀呀,难搞哦,艹系统给我开个挂)(Oh, it ’ s hard to do, oh, the system gives me a hang)
超级系统(OK,外挂启动中,开始你的表演吧!)(OK, plug-in boot, start your show! )
周墨枫(给我起!)(Get up for me! )
周墨枫(哎呀呀,终于拿出来了)(Oh, I finally took it out)
(周墨枫手里拿着一个石碑一样的东西)(Zhou Mofeng holds a stone tablet in his hand)
周墨枫(真重)(Really heavy)
本章完End of this chapter