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溴己新(那你对我们马上要开战有什么想法)What do you think of our going to war soon

周墨枫(能避免就避免,如果实在不行……你们就有来无回) (If you can avoid it, avoid it. If it doesn't work, you will never come back.)

溴己新(我们开战的主要原因就是魔族领地离我们实在太近了,平民都人心惶惶,我们也没办法)(The main reason we went to war was that the Mozu territory was too close to us, the civilians were worried, and we couldn't do anything about it.)

周墨枫(所以你希望魔族远离白虎城?)(So you want the Mozu to stay away from the White Tiger City? )

溴己新(是的,如果魔族需要什么物资的话我白虎城要什么有什么)(Yes, if the Mozu needs any supplies, I can have whatever I want in Baihucheng)

周墨枫(我们可以远离白虎城,但是我们要一样东西……星陨石)We can stay away from white tiger city, but we want one thing, star meteorite

(周墨枫以为溴己新觉得自己狮子大开口)(Zhou Mofeng thought that Bromohexin felt that his lion was open)

溴己新(就这?没了?)(Just this? It's gone? )

周墨枫(什么意思?这还不够吗?) What do you mean? Isn't that enough? )

溴己新(哈哈哈哈哈,你可真是谦让啊,星陨石这种东西白虎城要多少有多少)(Hahahahaha, you are really modest, how much is the white tiger city of Star Rock?)

周墨枫(好家伙的……我是不是亏了?)(Good guy's, am I losing money? )

超级系统(确实,白虎城真的是量产星陨石的)(Indeed, White Tiger City is really mass-produced star meteorites)

本章完End of this chapter

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