(周墨枫把鬓微霜收进棺材里后闹腾了几下就没动静了)(Zhou Mofeng put the micro-cream into the coffin and then made a few noises and did not move)
周墨枫就好了?Just fine?
超级系统(应该吧,这个棺材确实挺冷的)(I think so, this coffin is really cold)
周墨枫(放出来看看吧)(Let it out and have a look)
(鬓微霜被放了出来)(The micro cream was released)
鬓微霜(兄弟谢谢你昂,不过有一说一你这棺材太冷了)Thank you, brother, but one thing is that your coffin is too cold
周墨枫(你咋回事?)(What's the matter with you? )
鬓微霜(昂,我叫鬓微霜,我从小就这样一修炼就控制不住自己,刚刚就是要突破了)(Ang, my name is Wei Wei Cream. I have been unable to control myself since I was a child. I just wanted to break through.)
周墨枫(昂,真不错)(ang, that's nice)
周墨枫(圣人阶……实力也不错要不然把他拉进来?)(Sage order, The strength is also good, otherwise pull him in? )
超级系统(系统觉得不错)(The system feels good)
周墨枫(鬓微霜是吧?你要不要加入我们?)(Small cream, right? Would you like to join us? )
鬓微霜(你们是有自己的势力吗?)(Do you have your own power? )
鬓微霜(这个人可以压住我的脾气·……实力也不错,也不亏)(This person can suppress my temper, the strength is not bad, not a loss)
周墨枫(当然,不过没几个人就是了)(Sure, but not many people are)
鬓微霜(行吧,我加入)(All right, I'm in.)
鬓微霜(不过,你要真势力的话,去那边报个名吧,完成一个任务就可以成为白虎城的势力了)(However, if you want real power, go there and sign up. If you complete a task, you can become the power of Baihucheng.)
End of this chapter